Gold Member
Hi vonn just going round catching up. Hope ur well. X Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app
Hi bubble , I'm good thanks ,
Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Hi vonn just going round catching up. Hope ur well. X Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app
Vonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniehows your day been lovely ? xx
Oh no Vonniehope knee gets better hun, take it easy and hope u get a good nights sleep. I didn't realise you struggled in the week with the plan when u went to your sis, I only foundout today when u posted. Anyway Monday fresh start for all of us, I was miss piggy at my aunties house too. You know for the exercise next week I'm going to do x2 lots of 30mins, don't think I can do 1 hour in one go, what about u with your knee, will u manage hun ? xx
Yay ! I love your spirit Vonnie, Super Vonic and Super Bunny can do this ! even though they've come outta surgery !hehe xx
One way or another I'm gonna find you I'm gonna get you get you get you I stsrted singing that when you said one way or another lol, hope your ok super vonic xx
He's hiding in his trousers they are high enough to cover his head lol x
Shall me you and Kay form a girl group lol x
No carbs allowed lol x
I'm trying to think of others lol x
I'm trying to think of others lol x