Oh can't wait to be getting a wage again , it's fatal looking on the Internet , I was oh il have that , those are nice ,
I think I've spent my first pay pack before I get it,
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lolwhat u buying vonnie ? xx
I haven't ordered anything yet,
But looked at bags, watches ,boots
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How's your back ?
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oh wow your sis has got you on a roll !hehe xx
Your tea looked yum ,
Would you have them again?
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Oh I looked at trainers to , I'm thinking of getting some converse
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I know, don't like being left out
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I must admit I am tired tonight but all the work I put in is so that next week I can have some time off so it will all be worth it in the endxx
They will be great for all the exercise and walking your doing !xx
oh no pf is here brb, don't go ok wont be long ... pops off to loo