Gold Member
Yea that's prob a good idea , he will prob if made food when I get there,
I know I've been back at work 4 weeks it's gone so fast,
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Omg, has it been a month already ?
Yea that's prob a good idea , he will prob if made food when I get there,
I know I've been back at work 4 weeks it's gone so fast,
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Omg, has it been a month already ?xx
Going to go to bed now Vonnie, feeling sleepy. Have a good day tomorrow sis, hope you get to Chans safely. Night night hun. Kay xx
Evening VonEnjoy your bath hun... Wow I can't wait it's been 4 weeks that you've been back at work! Where does the time go??!
Hope the early start went OK, enjoy your evening and tomorrow with Chan. LD
Hi Von - have a good day at work xx
Hope your opening up went ok and you aren't too tired today after travelling to Chans. Enjoy your day with him, can't believe you're already on your fourth week!
Evening Von hope you had a good day lovely xx
My area manager phoned me today saying she is concerned about me, she had a conversation with the regional manager today about how I'm struggling , she was at my store on Tuesday which was a delivery day so it's all go all day to get it out as quick as possible , we had 10 unitainers delivered which is more than we usually get on a Tuesday , she said she could see I was struggling and limping a bit and she could tell in my face I was in pain,
She has told me to think about returning after my hol still doing 6 hours for a couple of weeks or a month , I was going back doing 43 hours a week but she said she concerned it's too much at the moment, but she obviously can't tell me what to do it has to be my choice , I spoke to my sister about it and she thinks I should do as she suggests , but it's a joke when you think about it she said she's concerned but not enough to provide a stool for me in the office ,
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That seems a good compromise Von. Reckon it's probably more because they're worried from the company point of view that you'll end up worse but take it anyway and I STILL don't see why they are being difficult over a stool! You can get really tiny fold away stools that surely wouldn't be a problem, so surely they could provide something!! Anway, just take care and if you can't do something without pain/damage s*d them, leave it! Your long term health is much more important. X Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins.com