Gold Member
I know hun, sometimes I feel scared when I see myself eat that much because I start to doubt whether I will go back to what I was, but luckily I feel there is something in me which makes me stop after a while. I know how hard it is to lose, I would not allow myself to put that 4 stone back on. I feel guilty enough having gained an extra stone. You've been doing really well hun, how are you finding things ? xx
It's so hard , I'm prof it can all go wrong losing 8 and putting it back on , scary thing is I didn't see it going back on , I know that sounds daft and ppl will think how the frig can you not see it happening , but I didn't I stopped weighing myself and bam it was so fast,
Since my op I don't think I'm doing brilliantly I've lost 5lb, in two weeks but before that I seemed to be able to maintain a bit which is unusual for me as it's usually in the zone losing or totally off and gaining , so I don't feel too bad , but I'm still chasing that new award , god will I ever get it ,
Don't stress over your gain , you will get back in the zone , you said your giving yourself September to sort yourself out which is good coz if the head isn't in the right place it ain't gonna work , October you will be on fire xxx
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