
:party0049: :0clapper: :553: :553: :sick0019: :553: :553: :0clapper: :party0049:


! Mission completed I've been!!!!

yay....*claps* almost as good as a great weekly loss...... oooh hang on.. you will have a great weekly loss now :p Nik
2 dulcalux is enough for me Huns... even then I get pains and a burning .. feels like I have the worst infections then its explosive and with very little warning.... the other week, I took two at night expecting them to work by the morning... they didn't >.< so I took another two in the am... when they did all kick in I was at work and had to literally hold onto the toilet seat for fear of take off..... good thing though I lost two pounds next morning :) id have to say it hurt like hell... but it kind of was worth it ..... Nik

Nix, I have had exactly the same experience but after 4 Dulcolax Perles, that was about a year ago.. talk about emergency! I was caught short at work and then on the way home.. can't tell you what my poor husband witnessed when i was banging on the front door to be let in! LOL .. blush
Hahaha....i think any of us that dabble with dulcalux proll have had the screamin abdabs at one point.....

It does clean you out though...

The things we endure.... >.<

absolutely wetting myself at alias post, congratulations my darling pmsl
absolutely wetting myself at alias post, congratulations my darling pmsl

I'm suspecting there is more to come haha but that was definitely a weight off my mind, excuse the pun :D
girls can I get serious a minute? I'm a bit worried, just been to the loo and I'm spotting blood. I don't have periods as I am peri menopausal and on the mini pill. Could it be the diet do you think?
low cals causing hormone change or something? It's just that I have had a band of pain around my lower back and tummy for a few weeks and now spotting blood, all symptoms of cervical cancer and it runs in my family. I'm really scared
I've never heard of the diet doing that before. Did you maybe tear or something? I'd go to the doctor to make sure though. Especially if it runs in your family. Hope it's nothing though! x
Piles frequently bleed when you have a number two... Ring your docs on tuesday if youre worried. X x
If the bleeding is vaginal and the mini pill doesn't usually make u have spotting u shd go to the doctor and they should examine u and potentially do a smear esp with the family history. Prob nothing to worry about but just be on the safe side. Good luckxx
Thanks girls. yes it is vaginal spotting, if it was anal i'd just think it was piles. I think because of the family history it is a worry. It hasn't been that long since I had a smear, ayear maybe. It,s this pain that is weird too, I am in pain every day because of my illness but this is so different it is like an actual band around my back and tummy
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

​God bless senna and lactulose
Hehe are you feeling better then?

If you're worried about the bleeding still, I'd see your gp! Just in case. It's probably nothing at all, but just to be on the safe side!

thanks kitty, yeah i will, this pain my lower back is driving me crazy, like a dull ache
oh ps heehee much better ta lol x
I can sympathise with you there... I get REALLY bad pmt pains especially in my lower back. I remember one Christmas day I had it so bad I couldbt even eat my Xmas dinner and spent the whole day in my bedroom sulking, hugging a big bottle of southern comfort! Lol.

Try taking some cocodamol or something plus ibuprofen if you can. Might not do much but it should take the edge off till you see the doc. Get yourself booked in asap! And feel better soon xx

I hate it when people are poorly :(
lol kitty i am on slow release tramadol, naproxen, paracetamol and duloxetine for neuropathic pain
i rattle when i walk
I think any out of the norm vaginal bleeding should be investigated hun. Even if its just for your peace of mind I'd go along to your GP to get it checked.

oh and talking about Farmer Giles, I pooped again tonight whoop whoop but it sure as hell hurt my bum bum lol those bloody piles are not happy at all.

i am wondering how many of us would be happy discussing our bowel and bum problems like we are here haha
lol I wouldn't dream of talking about this stuff ordinarily but somehow on here it feels ok, like we are a little bunch of mates that get together for a good old gossip lol