Brand new to Cambridge Diet Sole Source

I'm going to Hoover in 5 minutes lol I'm doing housework bit by bit much are your bars? Mine are £2.30 each.
I can't remember but i think its just 10p more than the shakes. Toffee is ok. Orange still my favourite. Chocolate tomorrow.
I can't remember but i think its just 10p more than the shakes. Toffee is ok. Orange still my favourite. Chocolate tomorrow.

Aw I like how organised you are with these bars lol. I will have cranberry tomorrow night.:)
I love organising i don't know why lol. I like knowing what i am going to have this week at a time. 2 days without weighing as well so happy about that, hopefully going to make it till friday and weigh in day so it will be a complete surprise. I want to start doing toning exercises as well to tighten my tummy and my arms.
oiy I can feel myself getting hungry again already. Im so tempted to go and get some chicken from the shop and eat for tea. Will hold out as long as i can but i do find it helps
buckled and had chicken last night which meant i had to have it again tonight! Figured out why the TOTM has defended. I am happy that i don't feel bloated with it which is good. This eve me and my friend exchanged massages and eye lash tinting. Always good having extra skills.
Still feeling good in myself and also no weighing again. Hows everyone?
Only 2lb off again :( I'm gonna blame TOTM for this one! Ah well, hopefully more next week.

Yay :) fantastic
Remember with TOTM you could of gained so be pleased Hun.

Im the same , not confident I have lost anything myself. X
Well i went shopping today in kingston and well i was naughty. I had lunch out with the girls but wasn't terrible. I still only had water, i had grilled hallumi with cous cous and chick peas starter and one slice of pitta bread and humas. Feel kinda bad but kinda not as i feel i have accounted for it and didn't go over board. I have another 2 weeks of being on the wagon and i think i burnt all that energy off walking around shopping for 6 hours
before and after 3 weeks.jpg

Here is motivation for myself. 3 weeks ago vs today!!!
very happy
Omg wow skinny and thin already, well done. I had to look twice lol
This is first thing in the morning so prob will look a bit different later on haha. I am lucky that i carry my weight evenly and so i don't "look" big. Hips are still wrong side of 40" but its getting there
Thanks guys. looking forward to doing another one in 2 weeks just before my xmas party. Cant wait to feel hot and good lol. Still going 100% so far and i like my new scales, they are inline with my cdc scales i.e. showing the same so i can track my loss better without being disappointed
Aw so you bought scales then. I can't live without mine. :)

What flavour bar you had today ? I can't decide lol
I have got orange bars and choc bars and lemon ones, i had orange for lunch and lemon for breaky. Ill be having rice pudding for tea. Yes i wanted electric scales and its a good thing this week. Me and my cdc are both at uni on friday so i will weigh myself and take a pic to prove to her how much loss. Only way to do it this week.
Choc shake and peanut crunch so far..... oh and lots of water.. weigh day is fast approaching already. I was hoping for 2 stone by xmas, 13lbs to go. Not sure if that's likely now. But feeling great is the main thing. Have a good day
I think if I can get into the 9s by the time I go off plan I will be v happy
Yog bar for breakfast choc bar for lunch debating what to have for tea!