Ok so i am having a bit of a conundrum. So I have had a bit of cystitis recently (past fortnight) that I haven't been able to shift. I've been taking the soluble sachets from the supermarket but to no avail. On Sunday I had some carbs (I know) and woke up feeling a lot better yesterday morning.
I had a little google and apparantly low carbing can irritate the bladder hence the problems I have been having. Yesterday I ate normally with jacket potato and some cereal, and today the cystitis has completely cleared up. I don't know what to do. I really enjoy this diet, but now don't know if I should go back to it.
I think I am going to have another normal day today, and then try going back to it and see if the problem recurs. So frustrating though! I will probably stay off here for a couple of days while I sort out what I can do, otherwise I'll just get annoyed that my body isn't playing ball with this diet.