Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Hi all. Please can I join you? LO was born five weeks ago and I'm breastfeeding. I put on two stone during pregnancy but was slightly overweight to begin with. I'd like to lose just under two stone. I'll go back to group as soon as I can too. Is it two extra HEX?
Hi noooo u get lots of healthy extras whilst breastfeeding depending on age of ur baby. Cant think off top of my head how many its either 5 or 6? Try to have more A choices n 15 syns a day too. Flick back through thesr posts for the actual allowance n if u go to class ur C should have a leaflet on it
sammyb1985 said:
Thanks hunny! No secret, just stick to plan, have all my healthy extras and all my syns every day. I try not to go off plan unless it's a special occasion, like a wedding, in which case i decide on flexi syns and stick to them and then jump straight back on plan. If i'm ever tempted I just ask myself if I want that more or want to be healthy more, and it stops me slipping up! xx

Im normally really good and do all the above think ive been preoccupied with going back to work its been pretty stressful tbh ive not reached for the biscuit tin or anything like that i just dont think ive been eating enough
Up to 2 months old its 5 hex on extra easy - then it's 6 hex until 4 months old. As prev poster said its more calcium based hex if possible xxx
Ellebear said:
Up to 2 months old its 5 hex on extra easy - then it's 6 hex until 4 months old. As prev poster said its more calcium based hex if possible xxx

How many do you have when baby is over 4 months old x
Omg 5lb loss this wk 2.5lb loss last wk.....all i can say is about blooming time! Was struggling to see why i wasnt loosing when im being 100% its gone now thats main thing. Aww my little man is 1 on just over a wk
Omg 5lb loss this wk 2.5lb loss last wk.....all i can say is about blooming time! Was struggling to see why i wasnt loosing when im being 100% its gone now thats main thing. Aww my little man is 1 on just over a wk
aw congrats JoJo you done so well. Happy Birthday for little man next week.... can't beleive Charles is 14 Months on Friday, where does the time go. Lovely though to see them turn into there own little characters :)

P.s. lovely avertar Daniel has changed so much :) x
Hi ladies,

This might be a bit of a too much info topic for some but here goes!

My baby is 16 weeks old and I'm still exclusively breastfeeding but even so this morning Mother Nature bought me my monthly gift (boo!!) she also bought with her HUNGER like you wouldn't believe and a craving for crisps, chocolate, biscuits and cake :-(

I started sw about 7 weeks ago and have lost weight every week bar 1 when I gained 2lbs. I've lost a total of 1.5 stone but still need to lose 2 stone to be at my target weight.

I'm finding that I've been majorly hungry through breastfeeding anyway and now that its that time of the month I'm struggling with the diet :-(

Also I'm concerned about my supply dropping as I've heard it could during this time!?

Any advice would be great!
Firstly well done on your losses to date. I have 2.5 stone left to go and my baby girl is 10 weeks old.

I've had some monthly gifts too - which is annoying!!!!! I just used the extra hex we have to have cheese as I find it fills me up and seems naughty! I often have apples chopped into square little chunks and snack on them.

Not sure about supply dropping - mine seems ok and little one happy enough and plenty if wet nappies so.......!?! x
Hi i got my mthly gift when my little man was 3 mth old had no problems with supply either. As long as your looking after yourself by eating and drinking plenty then you should be ok. Take full advantage of all the healthy extras and 15syns a day you will need them! Use A choices for milky hot chocs or milkshakes. Nighttime was my hungry time id regularly have frozen berries n yogurt 2 hifi lights 30g block cheese strawberry milkshake (1syn) then rest of syns on choc n crisp! Bfast was either 4weetbix or double portion porridge! Lol. I think i should get another healthy extra cos my baby is teething he seems to be constantly wanting boob!
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Thanks ladies,

I've made some jelly mixed with mullerlight to see if that will satisfy my sweet tooth and def gonna fill up on cheese too!

Gutted I'm not one of lucky ones!
Aww thanks bunny n likewise charlies gorgeous love his hair! Seems ages since we were all going through pregnancy!

Thank you - here is a recent piccie of Charles playing 'gentle' with the cat Monty.


  • charles and monty 2.jpg
    charles and monty 2.jpg
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Hi girls, I'm just popping in to say goodbye. I've finished breastfeeding. 2 years and 2 months. I was so sad to stop but it feels like the right time. I know my little miss would go on forever otherwise. 3 nights of asking for it but now she's laughing at me when she tries and I say no boobie big girl. So I think she's ok with it. Although the first night I refused she had a real tantrum lol.

I've lost 8st 4.5lb since joining sw when she was 13 weeks old. I've never been able to lose weight while breastfeeding before, I'm so pleased to have cracked this. 8.5lb to target. I might pop in and letb you all know when I get there (might be a while it's very slow losses now).

Wishing you all the very best. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx