Breastfeeding::Doing it at home : In Switzerland

Day 19

Breakfast: 35g Oats (HEB) 250ml SS Milk, Raspberries, Banana, WW Yogurt (3syns) given it syns as its a vanilla flavour one but only used half.

Lunch: Spag with left over coconut lentils (5syns) for the coconut milk

Dinner: Pasta Bake: Courgettes, Peas, Peppers,Carrots, Passata, 40g emmental cheese (HEA)

Snack: Pear and 2 x Kiwi

Total: 2 x HEA, 1 HEB, ( syns)

Cant believe the weekend is here already, which means not long to third weigh in. Probably not the most positive thing to say but not feeling like ive lost anything this week :-( hope the scales prove me wrong come Monday

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Looking at my diary I think I have consumed a lot of pasta...

Tomorrow's lunch with be pasta too, tonight leftovers.

Maybe that's why I feeling this week won't be a lose and maybe a gain.

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Shouldn't be a gain lovie! So long as you've eaten till full and not gone over syns it should be a loss

diary doesn't look to have too much pasta to me

Thank you ! I guess because we rarely eat pasta eating it more than once a week must feel like loads

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DAY 20

On more day to weigh in....

Today been busy doing someone's hair...I do afro hair extensions. Which is time consuming but enjoy it.

Breakfast: 35g Oats (HEB), 250ml SS Milk (HEA), banana, half grated apple, ww yogurt half 3syns

Lunch: left over pasta from Friday night.
28g cheddar cheese (HEA)

Dinner: yes I made loads...hehe
Left over pasta from Friday
28g Emmental cheese (HEA)

Snacks: 1xDigestive (3:5syns), 1 x rich Tea (2syns), 1pear, 1 kiwi

Total: 3 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 8.5 syns

Cooking a big pasta bake worked out good cos I am tired from Malita waking up early the standing up doing hair for 5hours last think I want is to be in a kitchen.

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DAY 21

Havent been sleeping well so feeling very drained today. No sleep for me but lil one sleep well at night althou yesterday she was up feeding every two hours which is not normal for her she normally goes 4-5hours. Hope its not my milk supply...let see how tonight goes.

Breakfast: 35g Oats (HEB), 250ml SS Milk (HEA), Banana, Half apple, WW yogurt

Lunch: 3 x Eggs, Red Peppers, Slice of Ham: all together in the oven to make an omellete topped with 28g Emmental cheese (HEA)

Snack: 1 x Weetabix (half HEB), 2 x Rich Tea (4syns) probably shouldn't have with weigh in tomorrow but fancied something sweet. Extra milk (HEA)

Dinner: Roast Sweet potatoes and potatoes, Frozen mixed veg, Pork medallions(portioned two only ate one)
2 syns oil, 2syns cornflour to thicken sauce

Total: 2.5 x HEA, 1.5 x HEB, 8syns



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Good luck with weigh in food looks lovely :)
Hi here to subscribe, also breastfeeding and doing Slimming world at home. My LO is 4 months and I have a three year old - determined to lose the weight this time x


3 WEEKS and GOODBYE 11lbs....BRING ON WEEK 4 and another 2lbs or more of course
Hi here to subscribe, also breastfeeding and doing Slimming world at home. My LO is 4 months and I have a three year old - determined to lose the weight this time x

Hi jojojojo


Have you done SW before?

I have always heard of it but never tried.

I cant believe I am breastfeeding and losing the pounds I am :)

I ask myself why i dint start earlier but to be honest i started at the right time for me any earlier and i would have been able to stick to it.

SW is amazing and i don't feel deprived. Its all about making the right choices i a lifestyle change really. I think the biggest help from me is i dont mind not drinking...if i was not breastfeeding i would probably indulging in some red wine.

So your little one is 4months...everything going well? My little girl is my 1st andIi find her amazing....everyday she does something interesting...I am now looking forward to when she can sit up i think she will really enjoy that.
another great loss :) I cant wait to get stuck in in few weeks very inspiring :) xx
Hi jojojojo Thanks! Have you done SW before? I have always heard of it but never tried. I cant believe I am breastfeeding and losing the pounds I am :) I ask myself why i dint start earlier but to be honest i started at the right time for me any earlier and i would have been able to stick to it. SW is amazing and i don't feel deprived. Its all about making the right choices i a lifestyle change really. I think the biggest help from me is i dont mind not drinking...if i was not breastfeeding i would probably indulging in some red wine. So your little one is 4months...everything going well? My little girl is my 1st andIi find her amazing....everyday she does something interesting...I am now looking forward to when she can sit up i think she will really enjoy that.
Hi, congratulations on your loss. I started slimming world last Jan, lost nearly a stone before I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't keep it up while pregnant had really bad fatigue and ate to keep the energy up (over ate!!) I was going to group then but haven't started group this time as hard with a LO. I am really enjoying slimming world as well and I would also be over indulging in alcohol (vodka for me) if I wasn't breastfeeding - I said to my partner the other day that I was glad in someways I can't drink because it stops me indulging. She is doing really well at the moment, is loving communicating and having a chat, she is very happy and general chilled. I think it is a beautiful time when they are this young and discover everything - my little boy never did the sitting up thing he went straight to crawling - lots of fun and non stop, Neve is trying to sit up at the moment but needs help - don't think it will be long till she can pull herself up x
DoingItRight well done on the loss :) Jojojo, the alcohol used to be a pitfall of mine too!
I had a 0.5lb loss last week so hoping for at least a lb this week!
DoingItRight well done on the loss :) Jojojo, the alcohol used to be a pitfall of mine too! I had a 0.5lb loss last week so hoping for at least a lb this week!
Good luck - alcohol has a lot to answer for :)
DAY 22

Today was a good day..started of tired, a friend and her boys came over which was nice guess I needed that.

Best part is when people visit i feel comfortable I can serve up drinks and snacks knowing how everything works for me on SW.

Only thing is I am due to go to hers on Thurs, so hope she doesn't throw food at me like she usually does and i greatly munch down....hehe

Breakfast: 3g Oats (HEB). 250ml SS Milk, Banana, half grated apple and ww yogurt.

Lunch: left over Roast potatoes and veg and added 2 x egg scarmbled. 1 tsp nandos sauce (2syns)

Dinner: Indian night sooo yummy
Brown rice, Beed curry with mixed veg. and peas with paneer cheese.
Oil 2 syns , 1tsp desicated coconut in paneer (2syns), Paneer cheese (4 syns)

Snacks: 2 x Rich T (4syns)

Total: 1 x HEB, 1 x HEA, 14 many syns used but worth it...will be good the rest of the week.

Didn't do so well with my HE will try top that up in the next couple of hours.


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DAY 23

Another good day food wise and just general.

Breakfast: 35g oats (HEB), 250ml SS Milk(HEA), half grated apple, WW Yogurt

Lunch: 75g Pasta, Passta, Courgettes, Red Peppers, Ham, 28g Emmental Cheese (HEA)

Dinner: Roast Chicken, Roast : Sweetpotatoes, potatoes, green beans, carrots, courgettes, peppers, caulifower....yum...yummi...:) OIL (3syns), Nandos sauce (2syns)

Snacks: 2 x Weetabix...,nearly forgot milk allowance I don't use much in my breakfast...just made a tasty milky tea

Total: 2 x HEA, 2 x HEB, 5syns

On another topic....Malita is officially a thumb sucker...she never took to the dummy which I dint mind. We knew she would end up a sucker the minute I pushed her out and she was given to me she had already put her finger in her mouth despite being covered in vermix....sorry if its too much info.

It used to really frustrated her that she could suck her thumb in the first 2 months as she had no coordination.

Thumb sucking isn't good so guess when she turn 1 I have to have found a solution for the sake of her teeth....BUT for now its wonderful no more rocking her to sleep when
I see she is tired i just put her in bed she cries for like 5 mins then self soothes with her thumb.

For down the line anyone know any good tips to wean her of the thumb?


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DAY 23 Another good day food wise and just general. Breakfast: 35g oats (HEB), 250ml SS Milk(HEA), half grated apple, WW Yogurt Lunch: 75g Pasta, Passta, Courgettes, Red Peppers, Ham, 28g Emmental Cheese (HEA) Dinner: Roast Chicken, Roast : Sweetpotatoes, potatoes, green beans, carrots, courgettes, peppers, caulifower....yum...yummi...:) OIL (3syns), Nandos sauce (2syns) Snacks: 2 x Weetabix...,nearly forgot milk allowance I don't use much in my breakfast...just made a tasty milky tea Total: 2 x HEA, 2 x HEB, 5syns On another topic....Malita is officially a thumb sucker...she never took to the dummy which I dint mind. We knew she would end up a sucker the minute I pushed her out and she was given to me she had already put her finger in her mouth despite being covered in vermix....sorry if its too much info. It used to really frustrated her that she could suck her thumb in the first 2 months as she had no coordination. Thumb sucking isn't good so guess when she turn 1 I have to have found a solution for the sake of her teeth....BUT for now its wonderful no more rocking her to sleep when I see she is tired i just put her in bed she cries for like 5 mins then self soothes with her thumb. For down the line anyone know any good tips to wean her of the thumb? <img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/> Sent from my iPhone using

My little boy sucked his two fingers from about that age, he stopped himself between 1 and 2, I think it is good they can comfort themselves definitely came in useful and he coped without his fingers well when he stopped sucking them.
My little boy sucked his two fingers from about that age, he stopped himself between 1 and 2, I think it is good they can comfort themselves definitely came in useful and he coped without his fingers well when he stopped sucking them.

That really reassuring, she is bed and noticed she seem to just suck to soothe once asleep that's it.

I hope she stops herself too

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Just make sure you have some baby friendly anti bac wipes with you. The first thing friends and strangers do is hold your LO's hand, the last thing you want is them to have sneezed, touched your bubba, then she puts her fingers (and all those germs) in her mouth!

Can you tell I'm a bit of a germaphobe haha.

Lily has taken to a dummy which is much more of a pain as she spits it out or drops it on the floor then screams for it. We then have to get her a new one and go back in the bedroom every ten minutes to put it back in her mouth!

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