Breastfeeding mummies

Are there any mummies currently breastfeeding on slimming world? I am and I need support!

It's hard not to grab any old rubbish after a long feed and your starving!

My daughter will be 6 months on Saturday and has just began weaning my consultant wasn't sure about how many healthy extras I get so if anyone knows that would also be a big help.

X x x
Hello. My consultant gave me a leaflet when I started. When baby is 4-6 months and starting to wean you have 5 healthy extras on EE and 7 if on green or original plan. When baby is over 6 months and weaning it reduces to 3 on EE plan and 5 on green or original. If you have only just started weaning you should probably still be on 5 just now. It also recommends the majority are from the milk/cheese section. They also recommend you have the full 15 syns daily.

My baby is 4 months and not weaning yet so i have 6 HE per day on EE plan. I tend to have 1 or 2 HE b per day and the rest A choices from the milk/cheese section.

Have you done Slimming World before? x
Yeah I did slimming world for almost 4 months before I fell pregnant and I lost nearly 4 stone. I kept going for a while but it's so hard watching the scales creep up so I stopped going. I started again after a had her but my head wasnt in it now I've gained loads since then!

Hope will be 6 months on Saturday so I think I will go straight in on 2 A's and 1 B choice as she is having breakfast and dinner, will just be starting lunch from next week.

I've just really struggled to get motivated and I don't know why! I did so well last time and I know I can do it!

How long have you been going?
My daughter was born mid October and I started at SW when she was a month old. I had only been following the plan about 75% and put a couple of pounds back on over Christmas. The past few weeks I have been feeling much more positive and following it maybe 95%! but had good losses, I assume because breast feeding... Now lost 18 lbs since I started.

Its hard to feel motivated when you have a small baby who demands all your attention! You have made a big step by going to class today, so be proud of yourself for that!

i hope you have a good first week, let me know how you are getting on x