Hi Bren
I kinda figure that as well as being a diet its also about having a life & dealing with a lifestyle change... your only human having a day without following it 100% is not a bad thing its just another part of the learning curve of keeping weight off!!
The most important thing is to not think of it as a failure but as a treat for doing so well... that means that you can get back on track straight away without the 'guilt' factor of letting yourself down!
What you had isn't going to push you over the edge, it may delay the results you want slightly but in the whole scheme of things whats a couple of days between centimetres!!!
My run was fab thanks what an amazing day & raised over £1000 !!
Diet not so amazing, lunch bbq'd tuna steak, salad, tomatoes & feta cheese (none of it weighed) felt really bloated, not how I wanted to start a 5k run! Then celebrated with a dark chocolate cake on a pastry base & vanilla ice cream!

But I did resist the french bread, cheeses & cold cuts!
But I only had one bit (unusual for me) & haven't fancied anything else to eat today. So back on it again tomorrow (weigh day) fully focused & ready to battle again!
You will be in that black dress for your birthday & you will look fabulous! x