Gluttony, gluttony! After total gluttony for the last 2 days (including - although not exclusively - a box of Guylian seashells, chocolate orange, some fudge, bottle of wine, yorkshire puds, mince pies etc etc) I am really sick of eating. I have my official weigh in tomorrow (usually a Monday, but swapped as it's bank holiday) and I'm not hugely looking forward to it as my scales this morning said 11st 12lbs. 5lbs gain over the last fortnight

As I don't want to eat anyway, I'm aiming for a 100% day today to try and get back in the swing of it (and hopefully undo a few lbs of water damage!)
Tomorrow I have a friend coming to stay and we'll be eating out in the evening, but I'll still try and stick to meat / fish and veg, and NO PUDDING! Wednesday is similar - cinema trip and then dinner incl. cocktails. I will be drinking several cocktails, so it won't be a great diet day, but actual dinner will be mainly meat and veg (steak house!)
I've had porridge to start today, and really enjoyed it. I must just keep thinking water, water and more water. Wash away all the crap I've been eating, get me hydrated again (I KNOW I've not been drinking enough), and make me feel full later when I get hungry.