Briar Rose's Journey!

Afternoon BR.... don't know how I missed your diary cos I think we both started about the same time. Anyway, I've just read from start to finish (keeping out of the kitchen :)) You've done amazingly on your weight loss ~ especially the not turning to food with all that's happened. It's interesting what you say about wheat etc cos I'm definitely finding my asthma's a lot better at the mo... I'm going low carb when I've finished my 100 days. Bet you can't wait for your holiday, sounds fantastic.... I'll keep checking back now I know where you are (you won't get rid of me) :D xx

You are doing a really great job namaste. Yes I think there is something to the asthma and wheat. I have been much better with mine this week and obviously haven't had wheat. ( mind I haven't had much of anything else either ). I have had a few cups of tea with milk in though so I have had dairy.

I will keep checking in on you too Namaste. x
Ahh I wondered where you were Spyro. I don't have access to read silver members diaries.

Oh no I might get it moved to sw diaries then lol.
Well I have weighed myself this morning thinking that I would have to write a stay the same or a plus for this week and Ive actually lost another 1lb. I am chuffed to bits with that because I actually put 6 on last weekend over 4 days so Ive lost the 6 and another 1. Yay!!! So thats a total of 29lb in 8 weeks. I will weigh in again on wednesday now to get back to mid-week so heres hoping I get into the 15s then.

Hiya Briar well done on your loss this week and for getting back on TS! you have done really well:)
Thanks for posting in my diary I am going on a Royal Caribean cruise round the eastern med, Venice , Italy, Corfu, Mykanos,Athens ,Dubrovnick and back to Venice, I am looking forward to it got to go and get a glam dress this week x
Hiya Briar well done on your loss this week and for getting back on TS! you have done really well:)
Thanks for posting in my diary I am going on a Royal Caribean cruise round the eastern med, Venice , Italy, Corfu, Mykanos,Athens ,Dubrovnick and back to Venice, I am looking forward to it got to go and get a glam dress this week x

You cruise sounds fab Jacqueline. I bet you are really excited. Have fun shopping for glam dresses too. x
Good morning Sue, you've done fab to lose the 6+1lbs :woohoo:

Good luck on Wednesday and getting into the 15s. I hope your head's easier too :hug99: xx
Thanks giggle, head isn't too bad now. I do find the more water I drink the easier the headache gets.

Its lovely up here this morning so I went out for the first time in ages in a t-shirt and I didn't feel as self conscious as I would of a couple of months ago. x
Ah your doing so well Hun.
Your doing great, I'm sure you'll reap the rewards on the scales ;)
keep up the good work Briar, good luck with the WI I bet you do well xx
Thanks giggle, head isn't too bad now. I do find the more water I drink the easier the headache gets.

Its lovely up here this morning so I went out for the first time in ages in a t-shirt and I didn't feel as self conscious as I would of a couple of months ago. x

Good afternoon Sue, that's fantastic :hug99: xx
Well done Hun keep it up and you'll have a nice big loss this week.;)
Thanks everyone. Not long now!

Another good day today. Infact I could easily do without my last shake today as Im just not hungry. I won't though, but I could!

So heres to tomorrow after a full week of ts.
Well here we are weigh in today. Now considering I weighed in on Saturday for last week.

Ive lost 4 lbs !!!!!

Im in the 15s now and chuffed to bits. A week of total has seen me loose my weekend away 6 lbs and another 5 so the kick start I needed again.

Love this diet ( even if it is hard ).