It had chicken and peppers in it - don't know what exactly went into it because the boy cooked it for me!
So, I have a confession to make. Diet is going south again - and will do until Monday probably. The PMS chocolate binge eating I was talking about the other day - well, about five days ago - THE PERIOD HAS NOT ARRIVED!!! I had a short cycle last month (26 days) and I am pretty sure I felt ovulation pain on the left side at 14 days into my new cycle. I'm one of those weird people that can feel it! My period arrived two days early - but all was good.
Again, this month I am positive I felt ovulation pain on cycle day 14 - this time on the right. It was quite painful, sharp, stabbing sensation and it lasted a couple of hours - was gone the next day. I was expecting to have another 26 day cycle because of this, but was fully prepared for it to be a 28/29 day cycle. Well, I'm currently on day 32 and nothing yet! My longest cycle is 33 days I think, so, I might be late but not as late as I could be, if you know what I mean.
I took a pregnancy test today, negative of course, but still no sign of my period. I needed to test for piece of mind though, as tomorrow I am out on the Hen Do. If period still hasn't arrived, I will test again on Monday, but this is just confusing my brain so much right now. I know, when you have sex you run the risk, and there have been a few moments where say, things were heated before we remembered to put on the condom. Financially I'm not in the right place for a baby if I am pregnant, but I think I would keep it. I have a job I start in September (I just finished university), me and the boy are looking for someplace to live together by the end of this year - we are thinking end of October/November time. I do have plans to go back to uni next year and do a PGCE: I hadn't factored a baby into any of this. It's not like I'm 18 either - I'm 25, 26 in January, the boy is 27 and we have been together for seven years this Bank Holiday. ARGH. So, with my mind panicking and working overtime I must confess that I have snacked, not binged, but just not really paid much attention to what I have been eating. I wish my period would start already and then everything can go back to normal!
/end of rant