Bring it on.....

Thanks luv,

I have to drag myself out of bed and make some dinner in a little one is screaming to the roof tops that he is huuuuuuuuuuuuuungry!

Next door are gonna think i'm starving him.

Oh well, best sign off for now.....

I gave in and popped a load a pills which are sure to have taken me out of the pink but hay ho... Needs must!

Another interesting thing I noticed today. I have suspected for a whe and am now pretty sure that the bars are a real prob for me. I haven't been having them for the past few days as I was running low and didn't know when my next order would arrive. I got into ketosis much quicker this time and also once the order arrived I had a bar and almost straight away began to feel quite's a shame I just ordered a whole load... But I do like having something to chew on and they are so convenient when out and about...and to be honest quite yummy!!

I think I'm gonna try splitting them inti little chunks and have them throughout the day...
Ok, I really am signing off now as my son has FINALY gone to sleep and I have to do some work.

I think it's gonna be a late one tonight...

That's interesting about the bars, I've only ever had one to try. I wonder what the carbs in them are? In CD bars aren't recommended in the early days probably for this very reason.
I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. Hugs
ahh hun congrats on the pink the pills prob wont do much youll be back in the pink prob tomorrow. i hope your belly cramps have gone i dread totm. with regards to the bars i used to find they made me hungry after too thats why i just stick with shakes but then again i am at home all the time and they are really handy if your out. anyway hope you feel better soon.
Thanks guys!
Well I managed to keep off here for 3 hours...quite impresive for me!
I'm flagging now so I think I'm gonna hit the sack
Morning all!
Well I am pleased to report that I managed to keep off the scales this morn! I decided to do a body assessment instead......I had a good look at myself in the mirror and decided which areas I really need to works on.....Conclusion:
-Bingo wings
-Thunder thighs
-The poochy bit of the tummy

So, take a deep breath....I did some exercise!!

I have decided I am going to try and take it usual mistake is that I go for it like mad and then can't walk for a couple of days (literally) and then I give up because it is too painful. So, I just did 15mins - mixture of light cardio (with tin can hand weights) and pilates (focusing on abs, thighs, butt and back). I hope to mix it up a bit but do something of this sort each morning. If I get chance later I will try to fit in 10 mins resistance later in the day.....we shall see.

Anyway, I am gonna try and avoid bars for today as I'm home and we will see how it goes. I am still splitting the packs in half to spread throughout the day. I have started with a vanilla latte - mmmmmm.....
You did better than me. The only exercise I got was yelling at the kids to get washed and dressed lol.

Good on you for being realistic too about the pills, even if they do knock you put of K it's not the end of the world. HUGS.

Do you find this place slightly addictive, I'm checking it now on my iPhone.
thats great cookiemonster. good idea as when i have a serious work out on my pole i cant move for days!
lol bobbie, we could have done our workouts together :D
I find this place highly addictive!!
I am gonna have to try and wean myself off it a bit as I just don't have the time to spend as much time as I do on here!!

I also got the vocal cord excersise in today!!

How's it going?

not too bad.....the lass couple of days have been a little choppy ad I've had a few events that have involved food that would have caused a real 'scene' if I refused to eat! I have been sticking to plan in between though. The last f@#d related event that I have to attend is tom eve and after that I should (fingers crossed) be clear for the rest of Jan. Quite frustrating when you don't wan't to eat but have to....I'm just gonna take it as an add a meal week and will be starting 100% as of Wednesday.

I hope it's going well with you
Sometimes food is unavoidable Cookie. Its how you deal with it afterwards that makes the difference and you are definitely dealing with it the right way.
not too bad.....the lass couple of days have been a little choppy ad I've had a few events that have involved food that would have caused a real 'scene' if I refused to eat! I have been sticking to plan in between though. The last f@#d related event that I have to attend is tom eve and after that I should (fingers crossed) be clear for the rest of Jan. Quite frustrating when you don't wan't to eat but have to....I'm just gonna take it as an add a meal week and will be starting 100% as of Wednesday.

I hope it's going well with you

Well done and tell me how - have to go for a meal on tuesda evening - just dropped on me and like yours it's not get-out-of-able

Fine thanks,
mad hectic as ever....not much time to put in my minimins hours!!
Well, managed to keep it 100% for today so am looking forward to honking and hooting in a mo!

Not too optamistic about toms weigh in but we shall see...

How you doing?
Me? Am honking but you'll never see me hooting ;)

Hey toots,

you can do it lass - try and just really enjoy and savour the food you have - tell yourself it's unavoidable it's not you going off the rails as you haven't chosen to eat eat it but you will CHOOSE to get straight back on track. As I say try and just enjoy it and not stress about it (easier said than done I know)
Cheers, Hun

Tried to rep you but I have to share the love first :rolleyes:
