first thing I do when I wake up is rush to the bathroom, use the loo (every little helps), strip down to nothing and get on the scales - there are now two possible outcomes - the usual - I'm not too happy with what I see so I jump back off, readjust the dial to zero (they are relics!) and then jump back on leaning a little to the left, still not happy I jump back off realise that the very slight lump on the bathroom floor must be affecting the Reading, move the scales to a different possition, readjust the dial, get back on, feel miserable and strop downstairs. Or, the less usual - jump on like what I see, think that it can quite be right, get off, readjust the dial to zero jump back on, the Reading is slightly less this time, jump back off to try a different spot........
Can I ask, is hooting different from honking? I'm the same with the sales
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I used to be exactly the same with scales! I knew I couldn't control it so I threw them away lol- now go to boots once a week and use their scales
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TheCookieMonster said:Hooting is a whole new ball game luv, and if you ask me MUCH harder than honking!
You can only HOOT if you have battled the urge and not stepped on the scales that day...not even a sneaky peek! I guess you will know that the HONK on the other hand is sticking to your diet plan 100% for that day.
I tried HOOTING a few months back - it was too hardcore for me back then- only lasted a few days - gonna try really hard for a bit now - I'm at the stage where I think things are gonna slow down a lot and don't want to get bogged down and thrown of the rails by the insideous Little saboteurs that are my scales!!
Oh goodness I don't know if I could hoot. I've become rather obsessed lately. Is there a thread for hooting? I still don't have full internet yet
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Well another day done and dusted!!
I just spent the last few hours madly batch cooking in the kitchen - I have a pretty full on week next week - gonna have to be out of the house from 6am ish through till 8 or 9 pm through till Saturday and so will not get chance to cook For the rest of the fam then. So, I made large quantities of 5 different dishes, portioned gem and then froze them - that way I can get a couple out each morning and I have the added bonus of no temptation whilst cooking. If this works out ok, it might be the way to go more generally - get the cooking all done in one go and not have to worry about anything other than salad/sides.....tempting!
I'm pretty zonked now - think I might have to hit the sack soon,
hope to catch up with threads more tom