Padlocking the cookie jar
Todays gone OK so far (I shouldn't speak to soon though).
Tomorrow is the real test. I had totally forgotten about it, but, I am having a meeting, which some bright spark has booked in the most amazing cake shop ever - we will have unlimited supplies of the most gorgeous looking cup cakes and sweet treats at our disposal for about 3 hours. I had originally planned this as a day off but that was before the shenanigans of the past couple of weeks........
Tomorrow is the real test. I had totally forgotten about it, but, I am having a meeting, which some bright spark has booked in the most amazing cake shop ever - we will have unlimited supplies of the most gorgeous looking cup cakes and sweet treats at our disposal for about 3 hours. I had originally planned this as a day off but that was before the shenanigans of the past couple of weeks........