Thanks guys...
I was laying in bed the other night and i started feeling parts of my body (oo-er..) and wondered how and when i'd gotten so big. It really got me down, so much so i turned to my bf and said "Why do you find me attractive?" He told me to stop being silly lol.
But i'm just not feeling it, i think it's cause i did all this last year, lost 3 stone, then put it all back on again, so i feel i'm never going to get to target. *Sigh*
I'll be ok, just having a bit of down time i think, i'll feel better after i've been to the gym tonight, that makes me feel better, and i've got a night in to myself tonight which i haven't had in weeks so i thiknk it'll be candles, insence, pampering and facebook. Haha...
I'll be ok, thanks for the support guys, i coudln't do this without you xxxxx