Hi Soccermom, I think bubble & squeak is only supposed to be cabbage and potatoes if you Google it. However 'my' bubble & squeak contains boiled potatoes and any leftover boiled veg all mashed together with salt and pepper, then fried. I sometimes put fried onions in with it too. I use frylight and it's really nice if you let it go brown and crispy one one side then turn it over a few times for the other side to go brown too.
So, it's not really a recipe more of a bung it in sort of job - which makes it super easy and it's always a little different every time but always yummy. We always had this for Monday tea when I was small with leftover meat from Sunday roast or bacon and egg if there wasn't enough cold meat.
Thanks for that i'm going to make some for boxing day brunch, really looking forward to them.
happy christmas