Yeah I'm plodding along, Had my weigh in yesterday so I've lost 16.2lbs in two weeksxx
Aww thank you MizzThat really helped
Stacey, nice to meet you! I am finding that it is actually getting easier now. Had weigh in last night and lost ten pounds so well chuffed to be in the 14s for the first time in years! Just about fighting the cravings and emotional hunger for me now..
How are you getting on?
It's definitely spurred me on, so glad I'm working all week, I've been picking up extra shifts left right and center as being at work really helps me to stay on trackCannot wait for summer, it's going to be ace! I've got visions of BBQ's and my big 10ft x 6ft pool with me in it in a bikini, last summer I spent the summer draped in baggy clothes and hidden away in the house, this year I'm planning to spend the entire summer in the garden/ at festivals enjoying the weather and getting a kick ass tan
Stacey, being emotional isn't crazy at all! I think most of us have been the same. When you have food as a comfort blanket/emotional suppressent and then it's taken away it can be quite a shock. It's a good time for us to learn new ways of dealing with our emotions that don't involve eating and soothing ourselves with foodGood luck with your weigh in, let us know how you get on