ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Hi Nikki, and Clare,

Thanks for your kind words - and yes it is a big lump of fat...... and I don't have to carry it around any more!! whoop whoop.

I am also glad I didn't stay the same - I am hoping for you today Clare!!!!

I just like bug results!! ha ha! And I am such a perfectionist, so I just want my loss to be perfect, and it isn't.

Think I am going to have to join the 100 sit ups a day - Nikki was this your challenge??

Thanks again ladies - I am trying not to focus on it, and keep trying clothes on to remind me how far I have come.

i really think eating and going up a plan helped, anyone sticking or not loosing alot and on ss, maybe give it a go, sounds daft but seems to boost, xxx
your all doing really well also, i just booked a holiday to ruda end of sept, i should be 11st ish by then, cant wait, will be the lightest in about 10 years, want to be lighter than matt, he has been loosing weight to and is now 11st 12lb, dont want him to loose anymore he is 6ft bmi is about 23, and i need to catch up lol, i have been cooking him lots of yummy stuff, but he lost 7lb in one week when he was i'll x
clare glad your moving again .... try the fibre 89 now, hopefully its good xx
girls dont forget our group, we can add our losses there to support eachother xxx
I am gutted I only lost 2.5lbs again this week - I have been sticking to this diet with no cheats, and I only loose 2.5lbs.

My CDC was disappointed too, and wonders if it is still left over from the TOTM............

I am not sure if it is the bars - but I did eat them on the week I lost 5 lbs.

I am just gutted - I knew it would slow down, but I thought it would be later!

Congratulations! You have done so well!!! You are more than half way through your weight loss!!! That is really well done!
Nikki, strange that your CDC tells you how much she thinks you should loose?

How long will you be on Barbados? I am really jealous of that trip :D. Anyone elses trip coming up? I am leaving in one week. So that will be nice, I can sure use the holiday now! Have been really stressed out.
Oh I am so inspired by you all, and how much weight you have lost! So happy for all of us. I just wish I could get into the right motivation again :D. But, will do my best this week with all the social events, then start fresh after Croatia. Have a great weekend!
Asa - thanks for your comments! I am getting used to the fact that my loss may have slowed down!

Asa - when you have got through your holiday, I am sure you will be motivated to get done what you have left to go!!
We are all here for you.......

How long are you on holiday for?? I will miss your posts!
Thanks LadyB! We are only gone one week. I have two weeks off from work total (the week after Croatia as well). I am fine with only two weeks, since I have been to school for two years and not "worked" in my vacation yet. I will have one week off in October as well. Then I will treat my little sister (who is turning 30) to a spa weekend maybe on Majorca or someplace where there is still some warm weather :D. I was hoping to be more or less done with my weight loss by then. But now it looks like the time is passing by too quickly, or I am not loosing as well as I should :D.

I might put my goal higher, since I would be pleased with "just" reaching BMI 25 at this point. That would be more reasonable to then I think? I have to do some calculations and get back :D. It is always better to reach for a specific goal and time!
Oh the spa weekend sounds lovely! I bet your sister will love that!

I am sure if you get back on track after your holiday you will be very near to your goal by then!

I am also thinking of increasing my goal - but I am going to wait until I am a stone off my orginal one! It also depends on what my body looks like - but I would love to get to 10 stone or under....... My orginal goal is 4 stone, which makes me 10stone 9 lbs with a BMI of 23.95. 10 stone would make me 22.4 bmi, and 9 stone 7 would make me 21.37bmi which may be too slim!!
It is difficult to set the goal weight now I think. But a first step for me is defiantly under BMI 25. I was there a couple of years ago, and wanted to loose more. I was just going to take a break first, hahaaa. And look where that break took me :D. This time I will so appreciate being under BMI 25, and be happy about it!!!
I am certain we will both get to a bmi of 25.............. and I can't wait to get there either!!!!

After all the pain we will have been through to get to bmi of 25 - I don't think we will ever go back! I don't ever plan to go through this again........... I keep thinking that this is just once in my lifetime - then it is done!!!

I hope the same for all of us on this diet - we will all have to stick togther when we have finished to ensure we don't go back to our old ways!
Hi again, now I have done some calculations, and lowered my goal to BMI 25. It feels really good seeing the numbers I have left. Less overwhelming than before :D. Now it is more possible that I can make the goal in my time limit.
Hi Girls, I have my Father in laws Birthday party this evening and I am so cross with my mother inlaw. They don't know I am doing cambridge they just think I'm dieting and she told me this afternoon about all the food she has done so not to eat dinner before the party as she wants it all eaten. I explained that I wouldn't be eating as I wanted to stick to my diet and she got the right hump and said well you can eat the chicken and salad to which I declined again and she was not happy. I am so bemused at peoples attitudes, thay dis you for eating and be fat and then dis you when you are trying to do something about it. Plus I have lost over 3 stone now and they havn't said a word, not noticed at all but soon comment when I have put weight on in the past. Sorry to moan just needed to vent.

On a positive note I feel so good about going tonight as I am wearing an outfit 3 dress sizes smaller and I'm looking forward to it for different reasons than compared to the old days. Before it would have been food and alcohol at the party but this time because I feel good about how I am gonna look and Know I am gonna have a good time without the food or alcohol. Zoe xx
Bethan, well done on your loss this week, 2 1/2 lbs is still a great loss hun. We are all doing so well. Nikki it sounds strange that your cdc is telling you what she wants you to lose. If we could tell our bodies what we wanted them to lose each week we wouldn't have this problem lol. Is she usually ok? Hope you all have a good Saturday night. Zoe xx
Zoe, I totally understand what you are saying, it is the worst when people tell you how/what/when/where you should eat. And get hurt when you do want to do something for yourself!!! That's always amazing to me. I always let my guests choose what and if they want to eat. And saying no is totally fine. I guess it is a age thing too, don't you think?

It would be a shame if you said no to the party just so you would get out of eating something that you don't want.

I guess you are at the party now by the way :D, please let us know how it went!
Hi Butterflies!! Really sorry for not being around for the last week. I've not been coming in from work until about 10.30pm and I've gone straight to bed just so I can get up the next morning and do it all over again!!! I'm a bit worn out to say the least but its over now so back to my normal routine now.
I've been reading your posts and seeing how you've all been going on. I think you're all fab!!!
I took your advice re my crap CDC and contacted another one a few miles further down the road this pm. I'm going to ring my old one and cancel her - and tell her why - and then I'm going to go to this new lady. She sounds lovely and she lives alone so at least I won't have a pompous husband sitting in the room making cocky comments about my weight!!!
Talking about my weight, I'm so, so happy I didnt give up the other week after the traumas of the last several weeks. I lost 7lbs this week!!!!! I'm so happy I could cry - I could literally feel the weight dropping off me each day (its my totm as well!). That takes me to 31lbs lost in 8 weeks which I can't believe even as I'm typing it!!!! Eeeeh - the difference a week makes eh?
Eternal, I can't believe your CDC made that comment about how much you should be losing! As ZoeD says, we can't dictate how much we want our bodies to lose - if that was the case, I'd do 3 stone a week and be done by the end of the month (any more per week and I wouldnt have any clothes - I'd need shopping time!!!). You keep on going and being happy with where you are with it. Comments like that can break the trust between a CDC and their client and knock your confidence. Maybe she was trained on the same day as my crappy CDC!!!!
LadyB, you be very proud of every ounce you lose cos its hard fought for and you won't get to your target without it. You're doing a fab job and you ARE going to go all the way so keep your head held high and keep plugging - you're fab!!
ZoeD, hope you have a lovely evening feeling like a million dollars! Its a huge achievement no matter if the mother-in-law notices or not. People are so strange arent they? Why do they behave like that? I havent told my family (or most of my friends) that I'm doing CD but I HAVE told my mother cos we usually go out every Monday and she'd notice if I wasnt eating. She has flatly refused to acknowledge the fact that I've dropped 3 dress sizes and won't give me any praise because she thinks that I'm on a 'dangerous' diet and she always withholds when she can't control me (don't even get me started on that topic!!!). Take no notice - just feel beautiful and slim and gorgeous!!! Maybe your MOL is jealous?????
Ah well, better be off to drink my scintillating but slimming Choc Mint shake. I'll try to come back on later cos I really want to get back into the loop with everyone cos I love supporting and being supported. I couldnt do it without the strength you've all given me over this last month or so. TTFN! xxxx
Blimey - that last post was HUGE!!! So sorry - got a little carried away there!!!! xxx
Hi Asa!! You posted while I was typing my mega-post! Keep up the great work - I love you cos you're always so kind and giving to others - and you speak a lot of sense!! You're doing so well and its nice to see you being so positive! We've got a similar amount left to lose now I think and I know how some days it can feel like we've got a mountain to climb but we're going to get there and feel fab and then we're going to stay there and feel fab forever!!!! Yay!!!!!!
WOW - megapost! Good girl! WELL DONE and even bigger well done for hanging in there! You know what they say about the going getting tough and all that - makes you appreciate those 'magic' moments EVEN more!
Asa - thanks for the thanks!!!! You're a star!!!!!
Beach--ball, you're so right about the feeling of a successful week after being so down. Its a proper high isnt it?? I keep going and having a sneaky peek at myself in the full length mirror in my room. I've gone from NEVER looking to not being able to stop. Its fascinating me that my body is shrinking - this week in particular, I've felt like I'm sort of melting away (if that doesnt sound stupid!). These moments definitely make the total pain of disappointment worthwhile and I want everyone to know that sticking with it DOES bring positive results!!!!!! Woohoooooooo!!!! xxxxxxxx