I wish we lived closer too! Then you could come here and scream at me in my living room and throw my bad options away, hahahaha. I would really need a more militant friend here

. My boyfriend doesn't do the job very well

. I can't really blame anyone but me, but it is extremely hard when he bakes bread or ask me what I crave, and I do answer truthfully, and he might go out and get it. He thinks he is nice, but I could really need some tough loving right now.
On the other hand, I don't know what I want. I wouldn't want him to say "No, you can't have that", but I do wish that he wasn't so eager to get bad stuff in the house. In his defense I have had a messed up food behavior for quite a few years, and he has to tag along on diets from WW to Atkins to CD (well, he is not doing CD, but have to hear about it and eat alone). I think he just wished that I was satisfied with my body and we never thought about food and healthy food, and just lived life. But, I am getting so heavy that is not a good way of life. He gained weight as well since meeting me. So he too needs to loose weight.
Oh well, now I did another novel here, even though I said I would head for bed. I am going now, soon

Just wanted to moan a bit about my boyfriend. I know I definitely make the choices for me, but I which he wouldn't keep asking and talking about these things, as I get too tempted.
Good night ladies!