Hi Bethan and Claire, been reading your why posts with interest... also been killing myself laughing about the amount of clothes you both have... only my OH can compete on the jeans front Claire he must have 10 pairs fo 32's 34's 36's and 38's!!
I'm wearing his 34/36's at the moment as I've no jeans that fit me anymore... I had 1 pair of Next size 18's but they're falling off me and I'm afraid that I might embarass myself in public!
I've been losing weight for such a long time now, I've only got limited supplies of clothes in 18 which is what I've been wearing most recently!
At my biggest I was a size 26

I didn't even own a pair of jeans and spent most of my day in black trousers, and black tops.... or work suits which were.... Black! I had a variety of brighter coloured tops that I teamed with them but that was it.
I couldn't bring myself to buy too much, as I was always going to lose some weight...It took me 2 years to lose 5 stone and 7 weeks to lose 2 stone! I don't regret my route or the time it's taken me... I needed it to come to terms with who I am and what I am becoming.
The reason that I decided to speed things up a bit are many and complex, but I will try and bullet point them!
- I'm job hunting at the moment and I feel like I'm judged on my weight first (negative... in the mind of most people, fat= lazy/stupid) I wanted my interview to be a confirmation of who they thought I was not an uphill struggle following a snap judgement made on my appearance!
- I want to be able to walk into any shop, pick up a 12 and know that it might, just be a bit too big and I'd need to have a 10 instead!
-I wanted to be able to get on a plane and not feel guilty about the discomfort of the poor unfortunate, who go assigned the seat next to me!
- I wanted people stop asking me when my baby was due!!!
-I want to be fit... not just walk a few miles fit... I want to be to be running 10K 3 times a week fit. I want to go to Yoga and be able to hold those positions... indeed I want to be able to get into those positions without my belly stopping me from being able to breathe! I want to think nothing of climbing huge hills, and I want to be able to walk the Pennine trail and live to tell the tale!
This isn't about being a specific weight, this is about being everything that I know I can be, participating in life, rather than observing from the sidelines....
Biggest of all, I want my hubby to be surprised and notice the changes when I see him next week!! Then I want him to be even more surprised when I see him at Christmas.. I want to be working towards my fitness goals by then and be done with the weight loss thing!