ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Come on girls your doing great, baby steps day by day, we can do it, ive got a migraine and feel really crabby today, im dying to eat the bag of marshmellows in the kitchen but im hiding in the room. Its really hard isnt but together we can do it.
Hi everyone, Listen you are all amazing! Even if some of you are struggling just now, you've all lost loads and loads of weight - even me and I'm not even on CD anymore and I feel better than I have in years! So think about the good things here. If we counted our joint losses up it would be huge! Every one of us is loads smaller than we were when we started this in May, size 10 jeans indeed! Who would have thought? Anyway congrats on the losses this week and for those of you still struggling, you have done great and my advice to you is to really watch and you will still lose loads of weight even if you're not managing SS- eg say you have CD breakfast, lunch but can't keep it going for dinner just have a small healthy meal and don't pig out - you will still lose loads or think I'll SS every other day as big weight losses doing that. It means you're not putting anything on and stil losing until you can get your head round being 100% again.

Lady B, I am so delighted for you and I love his nice Scottish name. You will need to spill the beans and give us all the details - flip i told you my life story - so I deserve to know! lol!

Zoe once again your focus amazes me! You need to start posting about what goes on inside your head to stick with this the way you do- because cD is all about what goes on in your head. But I'm sure people would find that dead interesting and helpful.

Anyway, we have all really done well and will continue to do well - I believe that - we have come this far. I've accepted that my next 2 stone will be slow but I don't really care as long as I lose. The difference in me is huge as it will be in everyone else. So chins up, we should all be proud of our accomplishments!
bless thanks girls. gonna try again tomorrow, but broxi is right. even if we manage cd breakfast and lunch and have tea its better than a bacon butty then cheese pasty choc and full fat coke, then a tea lol. i want to loose 4lb a week but goodness 4lb a month would be on the right track still xxxx
Afternoon Butterlies hope you are well

well ive managed to get to day 9 cheat free (excluding bite of pizza on Saturday by accident lol, spat most if it out), having my official first weight in tomorrow, dead annoyed i was knocked out of ketosis though as i could have lost more but hey never mind im in this for the long haul.

Been Christmas shopping again, I think its Tuesday thing now haha. Boots have some fab offers on for us girls who need pampering so go check it out, I have bought some mor Firminator by Soap and Glory, it really is the best product for firmng your body and works well on your upper arms.

Anyway hope you are all well on this horrid wet Tuesday.

I spent most of the moring searching for my cat who was supposed to be going to vets, horrid thing happened and his eye was swollen, it must have been an absess and it found a weak spot (his head) and exploded, he has a round hole on the top of his head, was so scared tried to grab him and he legged it through the cat flap (pesky thing) no sign of him now, so as soon as he rears his head he is toast and straight to the vets.

Sorry wasnt on long last night had a migraine and justed needed to sleep, i even missed my last shake (shocking lol).

Hope someone comes to talk to me soonl
Butterflies where are you?? Hope you are all ok.
Hey Witchy, Sorry been at work, just got in and still starving!!! How's your head? Hope migraine is all gone - they are killers! Good luck for weigh in tomorrow...not that you need it!

I am very happy for completing day 3. Work was as bad as expected. My senior colleague called in sick and I was left to manage the ward alone (only been there a month or two). But.... didn't eat *****! Despite two boxes of celebrations being open and M &S biscuits. So very pleased... Have a great day tomorrow. Day 4 is always my worst day so again crossing fingers and toes x
Hi Butterflies, hope you are all good tonight!
Contrary and Witchy you have both done very well.
I was at a course today and had a fattening lunch as there was no alternative. But haven't eaten anything else since then as not hungry. My eating habits have definitely changed since starting all this. CD has made me hate the feeling of being stuffed which I felt every day. I had it today and I hated it. This is the first time in my life I've not actually craved that feeling. Before I felt I hadn't eaten unless I waddled away from the dinner table. Now I watch people at work do that and I feel sorry for them. Hopefuly, this has changed in me for good as that is why I've been fat in the first place. People say once you stop CD you will just pile all the weight back on, well that is not my experience so far, I do believe it has changed me. I used to fear feeling hungry, now I quite like the feeling. (it was cravings I couldn't stand) Does that make sense? Maybe that will encourage some of you who worry about what will happen when you come off CD. Well I've virtually stopped it since end June and I'm still losing slowly.
Hi Contrary you will gain initially with the glycogen thing but that comes off again when you watch and as I said it is much easier to watch cos your eating habits have changed. For me I had to get some things out my system, stuff myself with foods I had been craving but once I did that it has been easy to get control again - easier than ever before I did CD. Just hope though I can keep it up. But that has been since June.
hi girls, im plodding along hope your all doing well today. we lost our big rabbit archie yesterday, he was only 2 but had a virus, took him to the vets, he had a fit and died, 5 mins after i left him. matt was really upset, it was his 1st animal that hes lost. so yesterday was a bit of a mess. im hopefully going home today, so tomorrow or friday at the latest i will hopefully be back on the waggon. im trying to be sensible and dont feel to massive.
i was getting a bit worried about my skin again, then read icemooses saturday letter. he said about seeing your skin as like a war wound. something to be proud of. and yesterday i saw myself in a long mirror naked for the first time, and i didnt feel that discusted as i thought i would, i was quite proud. and cant wait to loose some more weight, i know im messing a bit but i promise i am gonna be there by christmas. determination will kick in soon.
can we update our weight on group thread. might be big changes for some of you xxxx
have a good day x
Hi Girls, how are you all today. Sorry to hear about your rabbit Claira, that's really sad news, hope Matt is ok.

Witchy have you had your weigh in yet hun?

Well done Contrary for sticking with it especially with all the goodies laying around.

Broxi, great to hear that cd as changed your habbits and helping you in the long run.

I am plodding along as usual but feeling fat today. Sometimes I have to give myself a talking too as I get like this and feel like I'm still huge and not doing well enough but then I slap myself and ask myself if someone siad to me 5 months ago would you like to be 15st something instead of 22st I would have bit there hand off. I just think sometimes we forget how well we have all done and expect to much from ourselves-the old magic wand effect I think lol. CD is the fastest diet I have ever been on but it's still easy to get greedy and want more lol
Hi girls xxx sorry went to bed last night with migraine so didnt come back on, wish it would go away but its a stress head so will have it for about two weeks.

Claira sorry to hear about your bunny xx and glad you can look in the mirror and not cringe, I dont even look in the mirror.

Zoe you of all people should walk tall at all times you are my inspiration I wish I had stook to it like you have, just remember how well you have done , im sending you a big hug xxxxxx

Hi Broxi glad your enjoying your diet and the new you, you sound so much happier.

Well I had my weight in today and lost another 3Ib so thats a stone I cannot believe it, granted its longer than a week it was nine days but im still happy. I liked going to my CDCs house too instead of doing it here, as my floor is wonky and you never get the same reading twice anywhere and you can up a stone on the damn things lol.

Decided to have a treat and have spiral perm done cos im sicking of curling it.

OOO I bought an ace exercise dvd from HMV today its called 10 best fitness, it has like it says on the tin ten different ones on it from Taebo to kick boxing to pilates to yoga and fat busting it just looks ace so will start tomorrow I wanted a taebo one so really excited about starting it.

Well ive rambled on long enough
Thanks Witchy and very well done you for the brilliant loss this week -sending a hug right back at ya xx
ooooh lots going on today

Amazing news re the 3lb loss and to not weighing on dodgy floor - FAR better plan to have consistent results...

So sorry Claira about your rabbit, but glad to hear you are taking long looks in the mirror. I thought that was a particularly good email from Mike too. I even did the exercises in my wee weight loss notebook so proud of that as normally I read about things but don't do them.

I'm just at the end of day 4 and feeling so bloody proud it's silly! Day 4 is my worst ever day and today went to my neices 9th b'day party and watched the whole famiy eat chinese and cake. Worse eeven collected the blinking chinese. Hard at first but then I got that lovely CD buzz of knowing not eating is more pleasurable because you're looking after yourself and even better when they were all stuffed and bloated and I wasn't. Came home, had a bath and now going to do some qi kong and head for bed. I weigh in Friday so bit gutted it's not a full week but 5 days is better than nowt! Hoping to see a good loss but any dent I make will be much appreciated at the moment! The tea drinking is really helping by the way...

I think it might have quite an impact on me. Realised I'm not having any coffee or regular tea at all anymore and finding myself with more energy. So if anyone's wondering can highly recommend loose leaf chinese green tea (I have jasmine infused) throughout the day. Competely different to supermarket green tea bags which I hate as they seem bitter to me. Really good for you anyway but hey if it helps with diet I'm a happy girl!

Have a good day tomorrow x
Thank you Zoe im so happy.

Your doing fab Contrary bet your really proud of yourself.

Tell me about the teas please, I only have water, but it i can drink something that will help me too then I would give it a go.

Feeling quiet wierd today, my daughter is being bulled again by the same girl and ive had to be told from someone else, she is hiding it, need to speak to her tonight first before I act, but al lI wanted to do this morning was hit the fridge, so im sat with two litres of water, I feel really upset as I want to protect her but dont want to go in guns blazing and have reprocussions for her. my head is in bits its going to be a long day.
Witchy that must be very frustrating. I can imagine wanting to react the same way if I had heard someone was bullying my Daughter too. Have a chat with her and see if there is anything you can do to help that she would be comfortable with. How old is she?
Hi Zoe, she is eleven so at the funny age, ive just telephoned school to speak to her teacher just waiting for her to ring me back, she has noticed she has no confidence from our talk on Monday at parents evening so at least I can tell her why and see if we can do something this time, it was all covered up last year and the girl didnt get excluded, im not having her scared going to school.
Withchy, it can't carry on like that hun the school needs to sort it out. It's so unfair that this goes on and that it's not sorted by the School involved and the parent of the bully too. I hope it all gets resolved soon so that she can get on with her School life and be happy there again. Big Hugs xx
thank you so much Zoe just wish they would ring now I hate waiting.