ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Aw contrary cats are lovely (IM JOKING)

I dont think I could date someone who shoots animals either so dont blame you hun, and Mr right will pop up when your not looking and probably more than one.

Dont worry about the scales when they are not playing your body is shrinking in other ways so worry not pet.

Hope you are ok though and keep smiling.

Hope you are all alright had my CDC weight in and yep 4Ib loss as suspected so still happy.

Ive started wearing nicer clothes and really cant wait to start wearing things that really fit me and not just from Evans, really looking forward to clothes shopping at Christmas.
Hi all,

Contrary I don't blame you for cancelling either and better to be honest from the start rather than waste his time and yours. The scales will move soon, as Witchy says your body is shrinking in other ways.

Witchy, I can't wait to clothes shop at Xmas too. I have been looking in all different shops as I am in an 18 and some 16's so I can look everywhere and not just Evans. I can only window shop though as no pennies at the moment-cd using it all lol. I have been dreaming of a really lovely dress for Xmas but nothing's caught my eye yet and no point in getting it yet as will be a different size. There is no other diet I have ever been on where you can confidently predict you will be a different size-fantastic.
Evening ladies,

Zoe I have a dress in a size 16/18 that I loved! Not sure if is your type of dress but very flattering on the old curves and in a midnight blue colour. It was about 200 quid!! And wore it once! Going to ebay it eventually but if you want to try it and borrow it for xmas just let me know.But will prob be too big for u then!

Today... I got to goal! Scales must have moved at the very last second! I am going to continue for a wee bit longer to try and see if I can get closer to 10 and shift some of my leg podge but if nt, its not the end of the world :)

Think I did the right thing date wise. But as for not looking?!! I can't do this! I want some sex and hugs!!! Scuse the bluntless ladies but has been a while!!
Lol Contrary, well needs must hun.

That's so sweet of you to offer your dress it sounds lovely. I am hoping to be a size 14 by Xmas but if I'm still in the 16's I will take you up on that. Thank you xx

I have decided I am going to ss in a couple of weeks time until Xmas week and see if I can get a little boost nearer to my goal. I know I am not going to be at goal until Jan/Feb but my xmas goal is 13st which I will be 6lb short of it if I stay at losing 3lb a week as I am at the moment so I will see if ss ing will bring it back up to 4lb loss a week. I will definately miss my ss+ meal in the evening but worth it if it gets me there a bit quicker.

Hope your all well this evening.
hi all well done contrary on getting to goal. xx
your doing great zoe i know i keep saying it but im so envious of you and your will power. xx
i am hopeless and ate tonight and it wasnt good. i keep finding excuses. todays excuse was charlie has been poorly all day temp 38.9 took him to docs and he has an ear infection. so hes off his food, and i ate for him.... i just feel like im doing rubbish. i really thought i had my head back in it yesterday. will try again tomorrow but dont know what to do to get me there. jeans are to tight now so really cant afford to keep gaining. got to get it off. sorry to keep moaning xxxx
Claire dont stress over bad days, think of this as working progress and celebrate the good days, dont put a timescale on things and just try your best, thats all you can do and thats all I do, hope you are well honey.

Contrary blooming well done Mrs im so pleased for you *big hugs*

Zoe how are you today??

Where is everyone else?? Hope they are all well
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been on for a while. It has been crazy at work and I have spend many hours extra there... I am fed up with it now though!

Well done everyone for doing so great! I am really jealous :D. I haven't had the energy at all lately. I have missed you all! Have a nice evening!
Assssaaaa its lovely to hear from you honey, hope you are well and everything is ok with you.

I miss chatting with you :D
Evening all,

Well done Contrary for reaching goal:worthy::happy096: What an achievement hun xx.

Well done Faithandcooper on your loss this week like you say it's a loss and in the right direction.

Claira, it must be very hard to get back in the swing of things and even harder when there are other stressful issues adding to it. You will get back in the zone very soon I have no doubt about it. :hug99:

Witchy, I am good this evening thanks but having a touch of insomnia again. I am tired and have been very busy all week and especially today but just cannot switch off and so had an awful nights sleep last night. Hubby has gone up to bed and I said I'd follow later as I just lay there. We never go up to bed sperately-sad ah lol.
hi girls not much to say without moaning lol. hope your all good, faith and cooper definatly a good one. 2 lb down. well done xxx
Keep your chin up Claira and if you want to moan, then moan it always makes me feel better.

Faith well done honey 2ib is a good loss keep up the good work

Zoe im having the same problem, I think I have solved the problems of the world with the hours I have been awake.

Broxi hope you are well honey xx

Asa how are you today

Well having a lovely day done loads of jobs and things I normally dont get done, ive swapped wardrobes so I can have a top and bottom wardrobe and emptied them of anything above a size 20, been trying really old clothes on and got in them so very happy.

Hope you all have a great weekend girls and keep on shrinking xxx
well done victoria, its great to have a clear out, been to morrisons and bought some chicken and salad. so i will still try to do ss but at least if i give in to temptation it will be ss+ style not pasta and ben n jerrys. aaaggggg. sorry ...... i just dont understand why i cant do this when i lost 5 stone. i need to loose the 1 st i gained plus another 2 so 3 stone. it feels like the hardest thing ever. xx
Hi girls,

I did cartwheels in my livingroom today lol :D. I used to love doing doing them as a kid and thought ooh I am nearly seven stone lighter maybe I won't break my wrist trying one so I did. I know it sounds looney but I couldn't stop laughing and felt exilerated being flexible again. Hubby says he wants to see me do one in just my under wear tonight lol, I told him it would look bad enough with my clothes on :p.
I have just LOL'd at that hehe brilliant, I will try in a month or so haha.

Having a quiet night with Scott tonight so we are having a ceasar salad and water lol posh wine to us CDers have a good night girls.
Hi girls! Wow Zoe, how great with the cartwheels :D, I totally get that you are excited about it!

Well done faithland! I would be thrilled with 2 lbs!!

Witchy, you are doing so well!

Claira, I am right where you are, thinking and struggling, and frankly don't have the energy or willpower right now. But I have to get started now, it is 2 months till Christmas (24th today!!!)! I don't want to be bigger then, and I definitely want to be slim by the time we meet up.

What are your plans this weekend?
Hi girls,

Asa it must be very hard to get back into the right mind set again. It is such a strong thing to overcome and you really need to be in the right frame of mind to do cd. I hope you there soon hun -sending you positve vibes to get you back there xx.

Next weekend is the weekend we have no kids and we are going to thorpe park fright night. We were meant to be staying in a hotel but unexpected bills and all that has restricted us a bit. Anyway intend on having a completely fun weekend and behaving like a child lol. We are also going to go out for a meal to Jamie Olivers italian restaurant as it's my Birthday the week after so thought we might as well do the celebrations that weekend. I have had a chat with my cdc who says I should enjoy the weekend and at least have a meal out and enjoy it. Half of meal keeps saying to myself I havn't once cheated since doing cd so go on enjoy a meal out and a glass of wine and the other half worrying about putting weight on. I would like to think that one sensible meal out wouldn't do too much damage but knowing my luck. What do you think girls? Would a small spag bol give me an instant glycogen gain but could be easily lost? And will a glass of wine competely throw me off. It would be so nice to feel normal in a restaurant again.
Asa I agree with Zoe and was in your place July and August, If it hadnt been for my hospital scare I dont think I would have the strength to do it, so i really feel for you, but I think it will just click and your determination will just come flooding back.

Hey Zoe your birthday sounds brilliant and why shouldnt you treat yourself to a posh meal in a lovely restaurant, you deserve it with your journey so far.

My daughter has just seen your lovely cakes and has picked out three that she wants me to try and make for her for her birthday, i have to choose one and make it for her, think im going for the make up bag one, I love making fimo dolls and jewellery so if I cheat and buy the cake and slice some off it and make the sugar icing bits, it will be like making fimo things wont it, well I have till Feb to perfect it, wish me luck with that one haha.

How are all the other butterflies today, hope you are all well.

Im going to do some last stocking filler shopping today and call in at our gym its a ladies one so going to look round it and see about joining.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend girls xx
Hi Witchy, would you like me to pm you the recipe for the most scrummy cake mix for the make up bag cake? It's very easy and it's an all in one mix so literally chuck all in one bowl and mix with hand held mixer and bung in the oven. It's a firm madeira cake as you need it to be firm but moist to take the weight of the icing etc. Let me know and good luck -you will be great at it especially if your a creative person anyway.
hi girls,
zoe i think you have done great, you deserve a treat and a day off but im worried for you. you are the only one who has been fully motivated. how about trying to stick with cd whilst out but yes have your meal at jamies and a glass of wine. stick with cd the whole day apart from that. maybe 2 cds. and please straight back to cd the next day. i have lost the plot big time. and really dont want this to happen to you. especially now your doing cartwheels. well done. you will be at goal b4 any of us at the rate your going. big hug, xxx