Excited about the new me!
Thx Claira.. I'll give them a go. x
Morning Witchy. Isn't it a pain. I know how you feel, rather that I am the total opp but still frustrated the same. I hope you feel more like your old self again x. Why don't you do some virtual shopping? I like doing that when feeling ratty, nice to look on Next and think ooohh, I'll be in that next month. Good for moral too. xx
bless , your even more anal than me, when i get my weekly foods i label them all for the days i'll have them and put them in the cupboard in order xxx
Hey Nikki how are you today.
Well I will let you in on a secret, Im very obsessive compulsive by nature and when im on one wont stop till ive done what im doing, or wanting etc, sooooo I have planned every last bit of my *new* wardrobe down the the last shoe and earing and handbang all typed up with prices and colours etc, How anal is thathahaha I drive my hubby up the wall, BUT I want to be a new me and I cant wait to be that new person, its very exciting, and long over due hehe. mad or what?