ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

hi lynda, hope your doing ok luv xxx

right everyone, i love this diet and am looking forward to being 9st 7lb but am getting myself panicked and worked up about skin, i have seen some posts and pics and feel really emotional and scared that if i get to my goal, i will hate my body xx
am also posting on forum xxxx
Good night dear Asa, I think the affirmations would be brilliant. We're both on other book club but maybe the Butterflies could all read or watch The Secret and get some ideas. x

Yes, what a wonderful idea! I am up for reading or watching it here with you dear butterflies!

Anyone good at affirmations? I can't pin point exactly what I need :D.
Isnt the addiction of emotional eating a crappy one to have? No-one understands unless they suffer from it and they don't know how it feels to be constantly fighting the cravings and the pull of food to use as a crutch when our emotions are in turmoil. We're just called greedy or weak and become the butt of other peoples jokes and snide comments. But I believe that the light at the end of the tunnel that CD offers us is ours for the taking if we forgive OURSELVES for being human and imperfect. Someone once told me that we should treat ourselves as our own best friends and be as patient, understanding and loving towards ourselves as we would to someone else who was in pain or distress. We judge ourselves harshly and thats what makes us fail and go back to what we know. Its all about giving ourselves a break really and understanding that we're perfectly imperfect. I would love to be able to truly say to myself that 'its ok' - that 'I'm ok' and thats what I dearly want to work towards. Bugger what anyone else says or thinks cos they can't understand -they're not where we are. Its what judgement we place on our own heads that really really matters and its that that will make us win out in the end. Sorry for blathering on like an idiot but I just want to cry when I think of the pain that being an over-eater causes people. Be strong girls - its ours for the taking - WE CAN DO It!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you are so right in what you are writing, thanks so much for pointing it out! I absolutely think I need to forgive myself for not being perfect, and for my previous mistakes. And for sure, treating yourself like you would a friend! What a great difference that would make! And yes, I will defiantly try to focus on what I think and feel, and don't let others opinion about the CD get in the way. It is non of their business anyway.

Thanks for posting:grouphugg:
Ohhh I need to catch up with the book club posts - 'the secret' sounds very interesting!

Night Asa - although I think I have missed you now as I got cut off!! I am sure that you will keep the weight off - this diet is about looking at ourselves and to work out why we eat too much!! For me, if I can control the emotions behind eating - I will crack it!!

Together we will crack it! We will find the key to keeping the weight off long term, and thanks for your support!
Thanks LadyB! I don't half get worked up into a lather when I start thinking about it all! Glad it struck a chord though - I'm loving it that we are all so supportive of each other and I'm really glad that I was brave enough to join and start posting cos I'm getting loads out of it! It may well be this forum that keeps me on track for the 4 and a half stone that I have still to lose.

Once again I totally agree with you :D. The forum in general, and this group in particular give me so much!!!
hello girlies, bless its nice to be missed,
for those of you thinking your going to have a boring weekend, i have a couple of ideas,
maybe go out to tea with your partner, take your soup, they can prepare it, have a wine glass with sparkling water. if thats difficult, go out for the day and have a pamper, nails done or massage, maybe a body wrap,
i dont know about anyone else but this diet makes me really horny ssshhhh dont tell anyone, have a long soak in the bath pluck your eyelashes, shave/wax your legs, put on some sexy knickers and take your partner off to bed lol,
do something to make you feel good. whatever it may be. come back and tell what works for you. you dont need details if its the last one hehehe xxxxx

Thanks for the ideas, I might try one or the ohter :D.
There's a music festival on in the field over the road from my house, unfortunately country and western does absolutely nothing for me! Hope they stop soon - it's now after midnight. Luckily my dd sleeps through everything.

Might not be on much tomorrow so everyone have a slim Saturday!

Hope you got a good night sleep anyway :).
Good morning Butterflies, It looks like me and Asa are only ones about at this early hour. Love your ideas Claira but I'm a bit can't always be bothered for your last suggestion! Maybe I should try more!
Asa, how are you this morning?
I feel in better more positive mood today. I think when I'm tired on this I get depressed and feel as though I'm missing out. And the diet has made me tired. But I'm up and raring to go today to another day nearer being thin! Wow!
Good morning! Yes, I also feel better today. I has been hard the last couple of nights, but good during the day. I have cleaning the apartment and doing laundry on the shore list today. Better get starting. But I'll check in every now and then. I am glad Broxi that you are feeling better too! Hope the sun is shining on everyone today!
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its raining uuuuuuugggggggggg,
morning butterflies, i have been up sonce 8.30 wooo, i am off out in the rain to look at tents, everyone is going for a fry up and im gonna watch lol. im colouring my hair first, only dark brown semi, it was red and gone a bit pink xx
catch you all later xxx
Thanks Asa and LadyB - its usually so hard to talk about my feelings so I just keep quiet thinking everyone will just think I'm moaning and miserable but it just seems to be pouring out of me on here!!!! Good job I havent robbed a bank or something or I may be confessing that too!!!!!!!
Hey Claira! Loved your ideas about giving yourself a pamper! I never even consider pampering myself cos I can't see the point when I feel so unattractive but I've just pulled my old footspa out of the cupboard and I'm going to give it a go this morning! Its been a while since I've been able to reach my feet comfortably cos of my humongous tummy but its shrunk down considerably in the last few weeks so I'm going to give the old feet a treat! Red nail polish I think - this is going to be luxury and I'll have feet to be proud of again!!!!! Thanks!!!!
By the way, you're a very brave woman going to 'watch' a fry up!!! I take my hat off to you!!! :worthy:
That's a great feeling too. I've got loads of thin clothes too but they might be all too old fashioned by now! Hopefully not! My clothes aren't really getting all that big on me yet. I'm expecting the change to start happening anytime now into losing the 2nd stone as I get nearer that it should hopefully become more obvious.

Mine aren't either Broxi.. I think that is strange considring the inch loss around my waist, but I suppose it will eventually. I have noticed one of my little nighties, lol.. Used to be hugging me really, but now very loose and can actually see right down the front of it now to my belly, lol.. But that is a size 20 and I always did buy size 20 tops, as hate anything tight on me with my big boobs. I might go into Debenhams and get a size 18 nightie in the same section and just see. I wish my hips would disappear much more, thats my problem area. xx
Good morning everyone :).

Its raining here, not good at all. Was out at 8 this morning, after my night shift, then chosing carpets at 9am with BF for the bedroom. Chose a bordeau, which is like a dark red, having the wall where the bed is dark red and all the rest ivory.. Then will accesorise with golds and natural colours, with reds too. It was nice to have been asked what I liked, as I've never had that choice. My ex hub chose everything, but wont't go on about that (pig).. and as i've been a single parent for 15 yrs, have lived in rented accomodation, so had to go with what was there already.

Am feeling slimmer today, my TOTM looks like its coming to its end, hooorrrayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. About time (23 days)! Hope everyones day is a good one and Broxi, glad you're feeling better today about things. Asa.. you are an early bird, how many hours in front of us are you? Claira.. I would be dribbling over the bacon, you are good, lol.. xxx
Morning Nikki! The bedroom sounds beautiful! And I sure hope the TOTM is ending! You poor thing!

I am not sure how many hours, I thought I should check it up, but forgot. Here it is almost 12 o'clock. Do you also switch to summer time for the summer? I think we have 1 or 2 hours difference (depending on the summer time).
By the way Nikki, I am almost finishing up buying my firming stuff online, but I am confused... Since you seem to be the pampering queen and guru :), would you mind checking my questions (if/when you have time of course), on my old thread about bio oils/saggy skin?

Anything else you think I should get (or any one else for that matter :))? I have lots of stretch marks on my hips, and my belly is big, and the thighs. I am thinking the skin on my thighs (inside of them), and my belly will be saggy once I am done.
By the way Nikki, I am almost finishing up buying my firming stuff online, but I am confused... Since you seem to be the pampering queen and guru :), would you mind checking my questions (if/when you have time of course), on my old thread about bio oils/saggy skin?

Anything else you think I should get (or any one else for that matter :))? I have lots of stretch marks on my hips, and my belly is big, and the thighs. I am thinking the skin on my thighs (inside of them), and my belly will be saggy once I am done.

Lol.. Not sure about that, but will try and help. Avon do a cellulite cream, they had if on offer this month for £8 that includes a massager too, which you put the morning cream on and massage it with the massager and the evening one the same again.. It's a 2 in one cream, 2 bottles come together and I've been rec'd that one by a few ppl. So gonna give it a go. They also do a bust firming cream and a few ppl have also rec'd that one as well (£4 this month). As it does't cost the earth, I'm not wasting my money that way. Mine should arrive next week and I'll be following it to the letter, lol.. want to be firmer for Barbados.

Re your tummy, your sit ups will make a difference, but try and hold your tummy in as much as you can all day, as that helps it too. There is also a tummy ex that I was told to do at an ex class, which you can do anywhere. Sitting or standing, or walking... Pull your tummy in a little, then a little more and then as much as you can and hold it for a count to five.. then repeat. If you can do that a few times a day, anywhere and at any time.. that has proven results too. I'll start that one today as well with you.

You must be an hour ahead of us then and yes, end of summer (youf fall) we go back an hour and spring we go forward.

With re to the creams, Avon do an online shop too, so easy to access. x:Dx
Thanks so much for my very first rep point Asa! I've just found it listed on my user cp along with your comment!!!!!! I'm really pleased about it!!!!!!!!!
Also, thanks for the skin advice Nikki - I could use some help on that front too!
Thanks so much for my very first rep point Asa! I've just found it listed on my user cp along with your comment!!!!!! I'm really pleased about it!!!!!!!!!
Also, thanks for the skin advice Nikki - I could use some help on that front too!

You are more then welcome Wannabelovely. We are all in this together and if a tip can help someone else, then we should share this. I do think that any type of pampering is good for us, makes us feel better, outlook even about things is better.. Me time is essential I think when your doing any type of diet, but esp doing the CD as it is so extreme.:D:D:D