ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

I don't care if the affirmations are trite. That's what we all need just now. What are you studying?
Grand, then I'll get my book out and get posting tomorrow afternoon when I get back from work.

I've almost finished my diploma in aromatherapy massage. Hoping to use it in connection with my work on an oncology/haematology ward (in an ideal world!) xxx
I'd love to do something like that. I'm thinking of doing a night class this year on Indian Head Massage and I'd like to use it on the kids I work with who have behavioural difficulties. Are you a nurse? Would this help ease people's pain? My husband practised accupunture on heroin users when they were coming off and said it had great results.
Does my heart good to hear stories like yours Broxi. I put all my weight on after my fiance was killed 10 years ago now, can't believe its that long. Only now do I feel ready to get rid of the weight and if I'm very, very, lucky I hope to meet someone just as special. Fingers crossed!
Yep I'm a nurse. Aromatherapy does wonders for pain, because of the links with anxiety it has. Don't know a great deal about indian head massage but know that when I finish with head massage, this is when I can feel the emotional tension releasing from people, and its usually when they start snoring!

Reflexology has fantastic results too. Lots of research about all this coming out now. Christies hospital in Manchester use it all the time - to great effect. Think you'd be a natural x
That's awful for you but I've no doubt the right person will come. Maybe you have not been ready and your fat could have been a safety mechanism to prevent yourself getting too close to someone. Your fiance would want you to be happy.
I am a trained English teacher with a degree in English and history. But my teaching job now is completely pastoral and I only really teach personal and social education. I am completely interested in self-help stuff for myself but also so that I can help others and aromotherapy etc really interests me. I think you'd need strong hands for reflexology which I haven't and I'm not too keen on feet!
Lovely to talk to you too. It's nice to get to know each other Sleep tight and God bless xxx (Sweet dreams of a big hunky man who is going to sweep you off your feet - when you're light enough to sweep off your feet! ha!) xxx
Night x
night night ladies, im off now, speak to you all tomorrow xxx
Good night Claira, I'll need to get to sleep too xxx
best give that hubby of yours a special cuddle xxx
Good morning everyone!

contrarytintagel, have a great day at work! I am also so sorry to hear about your loss (even though it was 10 year ago, I can't image what pain it left behind).

I agree with Broxi, that the right man wouldn't care about if you are overweight. But you will have more confident in showing him who you are if you feel good in your body.

I would love for you to post some affirmation! Great way to post them on Broxi's fab thread. I saw the Louise Hay movie, and fell in love :D. But I never read the book.

I just remember that I got some affirmation cards (once at a rose therapist, and once at a seminar), I just fetched them, since I forgot what was on them:
"My courage is greater than my fear"
How great ha? I must put this on the book club thread too since the topic of the book is fear this month :D.

Broxi, I am ordering the bio oil and two palmers I think, I checked the place that I am ordering from, but they didn't have vaseline cocoa butter (but the other vaseline stuff they had): http://www.chemist.net/search.aspx?srcStr=vaseline&catId=0
I might get it from some where else. A little bit difficult getting it all together, and finding a good online shop, since most I checked didn't have all the products I wanted, or had huge shipping cost, or didn't deliver to Sweden and so on. But it might take me forever to find a good online store, so I better start here :).

Ah, so much to write to you guys, so little time :). Tomorrow I am back to work, and I am a bit nervous. Today we are going voting for the European Parliament, do you do it today as well? Then I am going over to a friends house where a group of close friends is meeting to plan hen party for one friend, and also her wedding present, and decoration for setting the table. We as her closes friends have all kind of shores, I am working half day as the photographer as well (when the bride is getting ready).

Oh, yeah, almost forgot. When I got on the scales this morning (yep, ever day this week, naughty me:eek:), I was finally down under 100 kg, 99,8 to be exact :D. Never again will I be three digits! I'll let you know the pounds update when I officially WI tomorrow.

Ok, better finish off now, or you will have a smaller novel to read. Have a fab day!
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Morning all the Butterflies,
Asa, That's a great thing being able to talk about babies on here - you can pour your heart out and nobody is going to laugh at you. I think that's what I love about on here. At work people are *****y and jealous and even my friends can be a bit self-righteous. On here you can be completely yourself and open up without fear of being thought of badly. Love it! It's like therapy sessions for us all. Somebody called Enough is really cool and gives loads of great advice. Can't wait to hear the affirmations. I've heard of Louise Hay but haven't read her stuff. I take it it's good?
Asa, do you not get good creams in Sweden- the Swedes are all beautiful with gorgeous skin- at least that's what we think in the UK.
Claira, my Jason loves you, telling me to give him cuds x

Today is another great CD day- on the road to freedom from fat! Slowly but surely the butterflies are emerging from their ugly cocoons and the beauty is becoming visible! My mum said to me yesterday that I was looking very pretty! She's not too big on compliments either!
How are you all feeling? x
Hi Broxi, yes of course we can get good creams here, we get most of the world wide brands here too. But in the area of firming oils and creams, I haven't seen a lot of them. I have read on forums that bio oils isn't available here. I have never seen palmers either. And I was really curious about trying bio oil since a lot of people spoke so well off it (everything is worth a try).
Good morning beautiful butterflies.

Wow survived Saturday doing house work and blitzing was sooo tired last night, had a lovely pamper session and then came down to watch catch up.

Not seen BB since Thursday is it any good or just rubbish??

Contrary im so sorry for your loss and you should be very proud of yourself for going on this journey, love finds you in the strangest places so have fun, lose your weight with us butterflies and start your new life. Eight years ago I was pregnant with a 1 1/2 year old making a decision to run away from a very frightening husband who used to lock me in the house, take my money and beat me, I used to comfort eat to help me through the bad times, no self confidence, no nothing and pretending to everyone else I was happy and life was good. I woke up one day and thought my god what am I doing, phoned the police they came and talked and talked and talked they took photos of my body and they decided to take him away (when they found him), he was sent away on my daughters second birthday, that was the start of my new life, ok I was a few sizes bigger but I was safe.

I moved towns, bought a house and trained to be a childminder and set up my own business, played online on a night and met the man of my dreams, he liked/likes me for me and says I must only do this for me, bless him.

Basically from little acorns mighty oaks can grow and I want that.

Never even told my friends that story only my parents and husband know this.