Broxi, you do look fab!!! I agree with contrarytintagel, "you are gorgeous deal with it!"
Lady B, well done on your WI! That's amazing!
Contrarytintagel, yes, that's right! I have seen those plastic cups/shakers at my CDC. I had blocked them out

. Ok, 1 bar is the max, I haven't tried one yet, but I am getting excited about doing that next time I go and see my CDC.
Ok, I have to do some rethinking regarding the holidays then. If I decide to do CD all the way, my BF will be VERY disappointed. I think that is the worst about this. Sure he is supportive of me and the diet, but he is also really sad we are not eating together anymore. And I wouldn't go with him to the restaurants to watch him eat while on holiday. That would just be torture for me.
How are the rest of you doing on holidays? What are your BF/hubbies thinking about it?
Wannabelovely, what a great feeling! Take it all in, and give yourself credit for the hard work you put in! I am glad you decided to stick it out with CDC.