Hi, back from a day at my mother in law, and it wasn't too successful CD wise

, but I probably post on the other forum.
Claira, I love your positive thought! I will give it a go tomorrow!
Broxi, I can really feel your pain :cry:! I hope you will loose some weight before Tuesday, so you can go on on CD. As I am sure your body can't hold off loosing weight much longer. If you stick to it you should get a great WI at some point (just hope it is sooner than later!). I know it would be awful to stick it out without checking your scales. But we won't let you leave the group

, remember, in it to the last person is slim!
Nikki, the shopping will be next weekend, I am leaving on Friday. Good luck on your packing! It is hard work to move! Will you tell your boyfriend before moving in that you are doing CD? Or will he has to discover it himself

Welcome Bess! What a great weight loss you have had.
LadyB, sounds so nice with facial and massage! Great treat for yourself!
Great WI Jacci!
Witchy, I am thinking I will have a hard week after this weekend as well. But it was a decision I made, and now I have to take the consequences as well. I am dreading the scales tomorrow...
Thanks Carolyn for sharing! I really needed to hear that you can loose on 810! I am attempting to do that in the Swedish form. But I find it really hard going up the plans, and not going out of control around the foods...
Have a great Sunday everyone! Here I have laundry on the list, as well some clearing out projects. I also plan to spend some time in the sun with a book
