Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Had a bit of a rubbish time for the last week had a cluster of migraines I still don't feel great now but it's the lights in work which are the problem so pressing on.

Re read my diary from this time last year as I am the same weight I was this time last year so need to do what I did again. So fasting and SW properly no faffing around with extra syns/hex. And I must drink less. I know it is a big downfall I must stick within my syns!!

Had a fab night out last night at the street food circus in town was v cool tho we were a bit late for some stuff as had sold out churros and the smoked house but hopefully we can go again and try that.

Ben had been particularly awesome he has been really supportive of my weight gaining annoyance and has helped with some sensible suggestions! And he suggested going out last night too which is unheard of! Feel I need to do something to show my appreciation so need to think! He is mid project at the moment he hack cut down 3 tress in his parents garden as a surprise while they are away. Still loads to do tho so going to be a busy week until they get back. It's raining tho so that's going to be a pain
Think I have done a day on plan!!!!

B1 apple coffee tea
B2 crust less quiche with smoked salmon asparagus and broccoli
L tuna salad wholemeal thin, raspberries strawberries fat free bat yog
D kerlan prawn curry and saag chana masala

Syns wine!!!!

Catching up on the blacklist as didn't see much tv while Ruth was here.

I haven't heard much from her today, she has hospital tomoro for pre chemo checks. It is the start of the second lot of drugs on Friday, so probably be different side effects. Am a bit worried about her as I don't see her as much as I did, obviously and I don't like it, think I need to re think what my habits about seeing her.

I really want to go to the no fit state circus which is here next month Ben isn't keen but need him to say definitely no before I can ask anyone else! I know at least one friend will want to go and maybe my sister if we can fir it round chemo :)


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Am fasting today :eek: so on water at the moment. Finish at 2:30 then going to see my sister and then not sure. Have got fish stew out of the freezer for dinner which is about 300 cals from memory so got 200 left to play with probably be strawberries. Will see def want a good day.

Scales this morning 11st 7.5lbs
Hey lovely,

Sorry to hear you've been suffering with your migraines. I totally empathise.

Well done for getting back on plan. I need to follow your example! xxxx
Hey chicken I'm the same I can't get my head in the game at all. I know when I put something in my mouth I know I shouldn't have it. I really need to do what your doing.
Today is the first day I have felt ok at work, I was off tues and weds last week worked thurs and then went home on Friday as felt dreadful.

Think I have managed a fast day!

Had Special K rice crisps 94 cals, fish stew which I think was 250 cals then Pringles 15 is 150cals I didn't have that many I reckon more like 9 so 90 cals there which takes me to 430 which I am happy to leave it at in case I have under estimated dinner or Pringles!

Am re joining tomoro as I need the accountability to keep me in check. And the new mag is out :)
Hey chicken I'm the same I can't get my head in the game at all. I know when I put something in my mouth I know I shouldn't have it. I really need to do what your doing.

It's easier said than done isn't it, knowing what to do and doing it have such a gulf between them when you are struggling! Hope you are ok otherwise my lovely. Xx
Yep I'm all good now thanks. Household is in a better state now that step d moved out. My eldest is busy doing her gcse and I'm so bored in my new job I'm looking for another. Fingers crossed. Need to get my ass in gear about being on plan. May get my books out to just to re read so it's in my head. Xx hope your feeling better too xx
Glad the home situation is better, but a shame about your job. Now you have good experience I'm sure you'll find something else. Hope your daughters exams are going well, such a stressful time.

After my good fast day yesterday I am feeling quite positive, scales down to 11st 6.25lb which I can live with for wi in tonight at rejoining, not quite back where I was in January! Anyway plan today

B1 apple
B2 grapefruit and salmon quiche
L going to get back in to the habit of coming home, so having courgetti with mushrooms onions and elf soft cheese
D slightly stumped maybe a bFree wrap pizza I have mozzarella tho would have to syn it as having cheese t breakfast and lunch as well.... I also have chicken to use up got a wwrogan josh to try or a tikka masala that will be about 8 syns will see what Ben thinks later.

He had a bump,yesterday in his dad's car :( in the carpark at work which is so annoying. Don't think his dad will care in particular but it is the second bump he has had in the last couple of years and he is pissed off. Project garden needs some progress today as suddenly seems they will be back v soon!!!
Hey heather, yes was really quiet actually and my consultant is lovely and I have a really good friend who does pay who I have seen put of class and got new mag. Less I want to make than last one but still worth the read I think.

Done another day on plan too :) had

B1 apple
B2 salmon quiche with grapefruit (HEXA)
L courgetti mushrooms and onion quark
S strawberries and raspberries
D pizza chicken and salad (HEXA)

Syns light mayo 2 teaspoons and 2 vodkas and 1 gin I guess around 10 syns for that and rest for mayo not had any HEXB as I didn't have any with me at the right time so just skipping them.

My parents are popping in tomoro on the way to my sister. They are going to do a few garden chores for me :) and I am planning to fast. I have plenty of time to plan as off . Might fast on Saturday too as doing 6:30-3:30 but not sure yet will see. Am out on Sunday for dinner at bills and there are no good choices so might need extra boost!!
Am planning on fasting today although woke up with a headache that has the potential to become a migraine and I think my sister wants me to go to the hospital with her later which I offered to do on Tuesday but she has only just decided to that she wants me to to but hasn't asked which is a tiny bit annoying as I had said I would help Ben but I know he'll understand I just wish she'd dado yes when I offered.

So will push on fasting so fast had water and black coffee. Think I am going to make prawn dhansak for dinner is a fav fast day meal from last year as tasty and if I make it this morning easy to grab and heat up in the middle of the garden project. And I don't think it requires anything I don't have. Mum and dad have popped in and left a load of stuff so think I might pop it to them at Ruth's my tv day has suddenly become much more busy!

Washing is on so hopefully that will dry nice and quickly and then I can chill with the new mag and more coffee!
Fast day fail :( had filo pastry tart with feta and 2 gins and a handful,of peanuts and frazzles wasn't awful but def not a 500 cal day! Am going to try again on Saturday it as the head that got me I needed sugar.

But th hospital appointment was great as was brilliant news the main tumour is now only 3mm across, the second tumour is just scar tissue and no evidence of anything left in the lymph nods. Was such awesome news that Ruth burst in to tears as she told me

In bed now going to have a lush food day tomoro I have decided!!! I think I need it :)
Woken up with another bloody headache :(

Plan is

B sweet pancakes trying to have eggs for breakfast as finding it is more filling and saves HEXB for later

L salad and something

D either pizza or burger. Undecided as Ben is a pain and hates forward planning. If he wants takeaway I'll have pizza SW style so will save an HEXA and HEXB for dinner

Got a lot of work to do on project Ben's parents garden. So I'm sitting in my dressing gown watching tv! It's cosy and snug and scandal from last night ?
Ended up with Chinese takeaway and I didn't even enjoy it! Had king prawn chow mien and it had no veg was only noodles :(

So trying for fast day today!

Plan is water water water coffee water ginger beer then ready meal strawberries bed!

Minor thing in way is Ben's parents coming home today but hoping I'll avoid anything not on plan!

Working until 3:30 but going home at lunch to watch quali for the gp
Think I need to learn not to fast with a headache/migraine it was a dreadful idea found it much easier today

Had strawberries 55 cals
2 rich tea 70 cals
Ready meal 278

Leaves me about 100 to play with
Great news about your sister. That's brill. Fingers crossed things get even better. X I think your frame of mind has to be in it to fast as well when you haven't got anything else planned. I know I can fast but I need to plan else I fail. I've done well today starting to get a bit hungry now so going to have a coffee and a yogurt.!