Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Completely stuffed with soup melon pineapple and grapes had some sneaky cheese as well so no more HEXA for me as was supposed to be measuring them properly! Only 2.5 hrs to go when I go back after lunch. Can't wait for the weekend!
Ok so smash pancakes.
2 beaten eggs
2 tbsp of any smash
3 tbsp of sweetener
Mix together
And put in hot pan and fry like a pancake.! Lush
Weather has changed today. The Sun is out and is so mild. Lol
Ohhh wasn't expecting you to say sweetener! I have a packet of smash in the cupboard but as I do mainly red I'd have to syn it. Home now got a really bad head so going to get a big mug of fruit tea and some painkillers and some rubbish tv!!
Its Friday night.! The tv will be rubbish lol.
Hope your headache goes. Are you at work at the weekend or can you chill a little.
I'm also on a red day today. Nearly slipped some mushy peas in my mouth earlier till I remembered lol.
Lol!! No not working this weekend! Definitely want a quiet one have no plans at all! Deliberately not arranged anything so I can chill and watch gp!! Just off to warm up my katsu curry :) not sure how I have done on the water front today think I need quite a bit more but need to hit 3l! I want my headache to go too I bought a cheeky bottle of Shiraz! Going to watch homeland and law and order special victims not seen them yet! So not relying on actual tv!!
A lazy day today, food is red so scan bran cake bns and carrot soup for lunch and tacos for dinner got melon grapes grapefruit kiwis and pineapple to snack on probably have ryvita and low low as other HEXA and B and milk for HEXA in my coffee :) no wine today either :)

Scales say 11st 9.75lb which is ok I guess! Same as weds just want 1lb this week for 1.5st award!!
I found the wraps!!! Yay!!! Going to make pizza tomoro and then maybe Friday and sat next week as on lates and it will feel like a huge treat! Hmmmmm!! I bought 4 packets, so can freeze them if my sister doesn't want any! xxxx
Getting hungry but OH had toast an hr ago and still no idea if he planning on eating with me!

MIL said earlier how slim I look, am in my dress that hasn't fitted for 2 yrs felt v nice!! OH using my iPad to watch gp stuff from earlier grr!! He is being mega annoying today lol!! Can tell I am hungry!! Normally happy when he doing his own thing!!
I am also getting hungry. Going to get in the kitchen and get cookingg
Wish my hub was home.!! Well at least he is enjoying himself. Me and girls are going to try and get out tomorrow for a while. Sunday dinner to look forward to as well!
Think we are going to dunelm tomorrow for a kitchen blind, will watch gp and not sure what else! Got some new ebooks from someone at work might start those.

We're watching grand designs at mo OH hates X factor now tho we used to be addicts!

He ate dinner with me tho he didn't enjoy. Said the spices were too much on the outside it hadn't flavoured the chicken and isn't like curry we have. Was a bit frustrated as he is so hard to cook for I love cooking and trying new stuff is dull just making for one.

Only syns today were taco shells 6 might have small glass of wine later but probably shouldn't although needs drinking so will either have it today or tomoro need to add syns for the week up I think tho doing better than last week!!!
Have you got a Range shop near you??? Gosh I love this shop. I say everytime we go I need more rooms to put all the nice things in it.!
Yes we love it!! Can spend ages in there think OH was going to go today but not sure he did in the end, dunelm the range matalan and homebase are all nearby so tend to do all of them at once wilkinson and sainsburys are near too so might do them too, problem is McDonald's is there too and OH loves them. He is 10st so gets away with it!!!!! xx
Have added up my syns for week was over yesterday but under every other day so average at 15.5 which I can live with! Not sure what I am going to do tomoro might put away summer clothes and have a sort out although sitting reading is appealing! Hmmm will have to see
Had a busy morning, put away my summer clothes and tidied up my kitchen cupboards :) I knew I had plenty of space just totally messy! Going to open wraps and freeze them as they are expensive so want to make sure they don't go off!! Got some for my sister too and made her katsu curry too! Watching gp at mo feeling good as I have done plenty still got more to do but I am happy with what I have done so far! Nearly time to make some coffee wondering about putting heating on as seems a bit chilly. V windy too and might pick the last of my flowers to enjoy them ahead of the storm :)
My HEXB and 2 HEXA pizza! So excited! This is dinner tho not lunch!


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Had a great morning, made more soup for the week to freeze as kitchen being decorated so won't be able to do much on my day off. Also made sauce for more pizza as class want me to take my pizza to taster Halloween party on weds :) also cut up pineapple ate melon and a kiwi need a drink now I think! Cat is very restless today think it is the weather. Is v nippy here too must be the wind I think!!