Late start today but was awake early anyway, so lying in bed pondering the day. Need to tidy the kitchen, figure out how to set the central heating timer again and think I'll make pizza for tea tonight at work. Hope my pineapple is ok as got some left, also think I need to defrost soup! Am eating bits up at the moment as not been shopping this week and going away on weds so don't need much this week. Only got today and tomoro in work then 6 days off then Christmas will be upon us (not literally obviously) but decs going up this weekend.
Plan for today
B apple yoghurt maybe scrambled eggs undecided on that bit
L soup ryvita hopefully some fruit
D pizza (yum yum) and hopefully some more fruit but does depend of finding some that is edible!
My kiwis just aren't ripening at the moment which is disappointing as I really like them but hoping one might be ok also probably have a Hifi bar for some syns.
Probably need to do some washing as well to reduce chore load at the wknd and change bins! Exciting morning for me!