sweet pink
is losing for shoes
Congratulations. Thats a super time!!!! I'm definitely going to do next years one & maybe a few local 5ks too so that I'll have something to aim for
sweet pink said:Congratulations. Thats a super time!!!! I'm definitely going to do next years one & maybe a few local 5ks too so that I'll have something to aim for
Shazzabir said:Fantastic Welshtigger!!! Hope you really enjoyed the race. How hot was it? It was 30*C where I live, so no idea how u coped running in this heat???
Sunshine - how did you find running outside? I am still suffering with sore legs and I did my run Friday morning. Not long until your race, I really hope you stay injury free.
My next attempt will be Wednesday to try and hit 30 mins. It will be on the treadmill though, much safer than outdoors! Then my RFL on Sunday. I am starting to feel a little nervous :-(
Just on way home from Solihull where I did the Race for Life with Ellebear! I finished in a suitably respectable time of 35.30 but it was 1.38 when we crossed the start, as we were in the second groupso I actually finished in 33.52 which I'm over the moon about
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Fionat29 said:I did my first day of C25K today, I didn't mean to, but I was out for a walk along a nice concrete path that runs along a beach, and I thought, why not? So I started the app and did the first one, when I'd finished that, I was by some high steps, so I did 2 whole minutes of steps. LOL!(That really was all I could manage!) Then on the way home, I thought, I feel OK lets do day 2. So I did, I feel fine at the mo, although we'll see how I am tomorrow.
It felt really good though while I was doing it and also once I was home, I didn't feel kn*****ed, if you know what I mean. Lmao!!
Did another 5k run, this time I did it in
30 min 20 secs, I'm getting so close to 30 mins!!
I started to really panic after about 10 mins, as I struggled to get a proper full breath, I could only take short breaths. I was worried I would pass out. I was running a bit faster than normal, but I have never experienced it before. The room was warm, with no windows open or fan on, so wasn't sure if it was due to this or if I was running quicker than my body could cope with. My speed was 9.5 - 10 most of the way, but left it until the last two mins to increase any further.
I will get to 30 mins!!!!! I'm starting B210k next week, so would really like to achieve it before I start the next program.
Shazzabir said:I did my RFL, finished in 28 min 3 secs, so really pleased!! I was aiming to complete under 30 mins, so walking around with a big smile on my face now!
I am now moving to B210k. First run on Wednesday.![]()
Shazzabir said:I did my RFL, finished in 28 min 3 secs, so really pleased!! I was aiming to complete under 30 mins, so walking around with a big smile on my face now!
I am now moving to B210k. First run on Wednesday.![]()
HannahNewton said:Fantastic time!! Well done!!
It's awesome isn't it? How far we all have come in a few weeks!! xx
Fionat29 said:That's brilliant! Well done. I did W1D1 & D2 but now I'm suffering with achey thighs and buttocks (sorry if that's TMI !!) but I'll hopefully be back to it tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on work