Best of luck tomorrow Pearlsgirl!
I did day 1 week 2 today. I found it tough enough but finished it anyway. The only thing is that I have a headcold now since this afternoon. If it gets worse between now & tues do you think i should still go for my run/walk??
Well done on your progress so far Slimming Sinead! I had a look on the runners world website for you regarding your cold and found this, for what it's worth:
"General rule:
-if it's a head cold, train
-if it's below the neck (aches and pains all over) rest" I would add if you have a temperature then also rest.
I guess if it is just a head cold, you could start and see how you feel and stop if you feel pants. Listen to your body!
On the subject of deciding to do exercise or not/ motivation, I have had a bit of a revelation regarding me and exercise...
Tonight, I realised that if I wait until I feel like it, I will never feel like it so I have to go out anyway. Tonight, my brain was coming up with all sorts of random excuses not to go out for my planned session, the first one going with my hubby BTW. It kept telling me it was too dark, I was too tired, too busy, bit of a headache, hubby will laugh at me etc etc etc. But once I got going I really enjoyed it and enjoyed the company as well. So that is wk4 d2 done and actually looking forward to getting week 4 done and moving on.
Sorry for the burbling.

Have good runs everyone!
Hope that helps!