Hi C25K buddies
Apologies in advance for the lengthy post; I'm new to this forum so I'd like to share my C25K story with you and join in if that's ok!
8 weeks ago I was looking at a photo online and I commented 'who's that really fat one on the left?' I zoomed in and it was me. Something just went 'snap' in my brain. I lost about a stone in 3 weeks on the Cambridge Weight Plan and then had the confidence to start C25K. I've had an orthopaedic problem with my feet (mainly right foot) all my life which has put my knees/hips/etc. out of line so I was a bit nervous about doing this, so I bought a couple of running books and joined Runners' World forum to get some advice before I started.
I've been keeping a journal; here's a very abbreviated version:
Sunday 4th August - 45 minute walk, knackered! Had to stop and rest on the hills.
Tues 6th Aug - Fri 9th Aug - Walking for 1 hr/day on beach on holiday.
Sat 10th Aug to Fri 16th Aug - C25K Week 2 & 3 - running for 3 minutes nearly killed me the first time!
Sat 17th Aug - First 5k walk/run with local 'Parkrun' in 44:00
Mon 19th Aug am - 40 min walk Devil's Punchbowl - 10 min power walk up a steep hill that took me 30 mins to practically crawl up a few weeks ago!
Mon 19th Aug to 25th Aug - C25K Wk 4 + extra 30 min walk - running for 5 minutes is now becoming easy.
Mon 26th Aug to 28th Aug - C25K Wk 5 + extra 8 mins run, also joined Aquafit at the pool on 'rest' days. Now running 3 x 8 mins with 5 min walk intervals.
Sat 31st Aug - 5k @ Parkrun - slow jogging the whole way - 39:34
Mon 2nd Sept - Body Balance class; 40 min interval training (walk/ fast run) on treadmill; swim 3 lengths.
Tues 3rd Sept - Cycled to QE Park, round beginners' trail and home - approx 8 miles. First time on a bike for years!
Fri 6th Sept - Week 9 of C25K - Full 30 minutes of (slow!) running!!
I did skip a few weeks (6/7/8) as I'd been doing the extra walking/running and the cross-training (swimming/cycling) on 'rest' days and I knew that if I could run 3 x 8 minutes that I could do the whole 30 minutes, albeit slowly. My target in the next 2 weeks is to improve my speed and run a group 5k in 30 minutes; then to up my distances.
5 weeks ago the only time I moved off the sofa was to get to the fridge. All my friends and family laughed when I told them I'd started running, but I've lost 21lbs and I'm running for MIND charity in the Great South Run this October and they're not laughing now

I've been assessed for the right running shoes and done the physio recommended for the joint problems; the running has strengthened my legs enough that I'm practically pain-free for the first time in my adult life!
I would recommend a book called 'The non-runner's marathon trainer' (even if you don't want to actually run a marathon!) and also a book from 'Zest' magazine called 'Running Made Easy' there's lots of really good tips and mostly mental attitude help in both. And definitely keep a journal, it's great to look back and see how far you've progressed!
I hope no one minds me putting my story here, it's just to say 'If I can do this, ANYONE can!'