C25K Running Thread!!

I've not been out yet to try and replicate my run as my bodyguards (the dogs) have been in kennels for a few days and I felt a bit windy about running on my own where i go normally. They're back at teatime and so I anticipitate that this evening we'll head out by the river again :D

Having said that, I do keep wondering if I was only dreaming and I didn't actually run for 36 mins. I was thinking about where I'd been and it's definitely a good couple of miles.
i've just found mapmyrun.com and its pretty useful!!!! :D 1.92mile is my run at the moment :giggle:
I use mapometer (UK runners, walkers and cyclists - map your routes) which is probably the same sort of thing, and i think it's really useful.

I used it to map out a 5K and 10K run, and i was absolutely horrified at how far 10K actually is! :lol
Well, the bodyguards are home :chores016: so we've been out for a jog.

All I can say is that I am living proof that if I can do it, anyone can. I've never been a runner, even back at school. If you met me, you'd know that I'm not built to be a runner and never have been.

I went out on my usual route. I started struggling at 26mins but thought that I've done more than this before so I can do it again. I got to 36mins (which is what I managed to do last time) and I could see the finish ahead in the distance so I thought I can keep going, let's see if I can do the entire there and back without stopping.....and I did!!! I jogged for 45mins!!!!!

Thanks for the link Shabba, I've joined up at mapmyrun. The distance I did is 4.23 miles.
That is really, really awesome!!!!!
Well done!
Wow, double wow, L-Cat! Well done. 45 mins is excellent!
Hi all, reading your posts is really inspirational - I am now on w4 and so far have not had too many problems keeping up with the intervals. I've noticed that I recover a lot quicker during the walking phases these days but I shall be really chuffed if I ever get to 36 mins! Had a bit of trouble with Robert Ullrey's podcasts for the past 2 weeks so I've had DJ Beatsmith which has been OK and the weather has been good which makes a difference. Being absolutely honest, I can't see me running when the weather is bad unless I'm well into it by then. I'll see how it goes...... Have a good week
Yeah, I planned to go running today, but it was raining, so i went to the gym instead. I can't see running being much fun in the cold and the rain!
Well done LuckyCat!!!!!!! :D Thats brilliant going!!!!!!

Im off out this evening for a run, i need to get motivated to doing it. Have nothing on this week so shouldnt have any problems!!
Being absolutely honest, I can't see me running when the weather is bad unless I'm well into it by then.

That's exactly how I feel boardwitless and is partly why I'm putting so much effort into it now whilst the weather's decent. I did go out in the drizzle yesterday though as I thought it might be cooler to run in but it was so humid that it was worse if anything.

Unless I'm a mad keen runner by the end of summer, I can't see me going out in the cold and wet either but it would be a shame to put all the effort to waste and end up back at square one.
I did week 5 day 2 today which is 2x8minutes running - not looking forward to the next one (20mins running???!!!). I found today fairly comfortable and could have managed around 10mins I think so I may break the 20mins up with a 30 second walk in the middle. I have found that I prefer to run just looking a few metres ahead rather than thinking about the next mile marker so I definitely just need small achieveable targets. I am really noticing a difference in recovery times as I'm back to normal in around 30 seconds so the interval training must be working.
Unless I'm a mad keen runner by the end of summer, I can't see me going out in the cold and wet either but it would be a shame to put all the effort to waste and end up back at square one.
I'm with you Lucky Cat, I'm training for a 5k in July so I hope I will have the motivation to carry on through the summer but I'm probably the fittest I've been for a long time so I would like to think I won't let it slide (but the winters are sooooo miserable) we'll see....
Hey guys :)

Just found this thread!
I have just completed week 2 day 3 :)

Finding it good going at the mo. Not particulary looking forward to week 3 but then i wasnt looking forward to week 2 but managed it! :giggle:

Just thought i'd say hey! :)
How are you all doing? x
I did week 5 day 2 today which is 2x8minutes running - not looking forward to the next one (20mins running???!!!).

I think you'll be surprised by how easy you manage it you know. I have found that the longer you run, the easier it seems to get. Sounds mad I know! The first ten minutes are the worst bit and then you seem to get into a rhythm with your steps and your breathing and it seems so much easier then. I'm out regularly doing between 45mins and an hour and a half! Unbelievable I know. I DEFINITELY cannot lose this level of fitness now. If someone had told me two months ago that I would be running for over an hour I'd have laughed at them.
Summergurl - wow, your before and after piccies are amazing! Well done you! :D
I DID IT!!! the 20 mins that is - admittedly I would not have set any land speed record but I'm soooooo chuffed that I managed to last the whole time (and could have gone on if I wanted). You're right Lucky cat - there is a rhythm to find and once you're in, it's not too bad. It was lovely - my daughter came with me on her bike and we went around our local park/lake (all on the flat though). You've given me the hope that maybe I could run for an hour or so - when I look back at this time 12 months ago (16 stone nearly) I can't believe how I have changed either and I would really like to keep this level of exercise up.
Have a good week
Hey hey boardwitless!! Brilliant! It's easier than you think, isn't it?

I think we're lucky at the moment with the weather in that it is a real pleasure to get outdoors. I do really want to keep it going over the summer so that hopefully by the time the colder/wetter weather starts up again, I'll be so fit that going out for a run won't seem like such a hardship and might even be a pleasure. I actually do look forward to it at the moment, I think that's because I get a buzz afterwards simply with the knowledge of what I've done, what I've achieved. I used to be pretty fit several years ago and I let it all slide and I really, really don't want to do that again.
I'm just about to go into week three, and i'm a bit scared! It seems a big jump to go from 90secs to 3 minutes, and i'm not sure I'll be able to manage it.

I'm hoping that as i carry on losing weight the running will get a bit easier because it will be less stress on my legs and knees.

How hard did you all find the transition from week 2 to 3?
Hey rachelN.

I completed day 1 of week 3 yesterday and i was a little worried about the 3minutes running but once i had passed about the 90sec/2minute mark i was fine and felt like i couldve carried on (i did at the end! ;)) but just push pass it - you can do it :D :D x
I started week 1 on Monday and i am on day 3. I thought that it would be simple. on the first day i hit a wall at the second set!! i pushed through it and completed it. on my 2nd day i hit that bloody wall on 7th set, a bit better. I am really nervous moving on to week 2 though. has anyone repeated a week before moving on?
Tara - im contemplating repeating week 3 as im not sure im ready for week 4 and i'd like to be able to do week 3 comfortably. I don't see what harm it could do repeating a week :)