Caledonian Dukan

Rhubarb Clafoutis recipe on the recipe thread - new favourite of mine, can't wait till Sunday when I can have it again. If I wasn't a binger I could have it on a PP as I could have easily sliced it in to quarters, with 100g of rhubarb in a each slice it would be fine for PP. I, however, had the whole bloomin lot so the rhubarb had better help me "go"!!
mmm will check it out thanks! Wouldnt like to be stood downwind from u tomorrow haha
Tomorrow's PP:
B - Rhubarb & Ginger muffin, S - Scrambled eggs, L - Salmon, D - Chicken (loads), copious amounts of water/black coffee plus
2 x cups of apple cider vinegar & ginger tea, meant to help with problems I'm having.

Bought a new suit, new trousers, new coat and four new shirts for Mr CD. Whew, my purse is unhappy! (And I don't even get to see how handsome he looks in person - I've always loved a man in suit trousers ;))

Eldest is off to Italy for a fortnight on Monday, then she is home for a week, turns sixteen and then goes back to Italy for another fortnight. It's an odd feeling seeing her starting her adult life - it seems like such a short time ago I was her!! My seven year old has spent the last two nights carefully colouring in a beautiful picture for her sister's present so tomorrow we're going to trawl the charity shops for a frame that we can shabby-chic-ify for it. Seven year old is going to buy the frame with her chore-money and paint and sand it herself. I really hope my eldest appreciates the love that is going in to it, I think she will.
CD what a lovely caring family you have xxx
what a sweet thing to do... those gifts come from the heart
They certainly do come from the heart, i love things that have been made for me. I still have a picture on the wall in the kitchen from my son from when he was 6yrs old, the colours are fab!! Ive also got a little slate owl that my younger brother bought me from a school trip he went on at primary school, hes 34 now!! (big age gap between us)
Fed up, bored and wish I had some adult company and/or a bottle of plonk.
In-laws are really getting on my nerves how much time they spend with their daughters kids compared with ours, my husband agrees but I've told him to just let it go - it's their loss. When I'm feeling really insecure I feel that it must be because they don't like me but I'm trying not to think like that as it really doesn't help my mood. Mother-in-law came in for 2 minutes today and dropped off clothes she had bought for them - but woe betide her actually staying for even ten minutes for a cup of tea and a cuddle with the 3 year old, oh no she had to hurry as she was babysitting again for my sister-in-law. This is what happens constantly, I didn't mind when we were hundreds of miles away as kids weren't aware of the discrepancy but it makes my heart break to hear the wee ones ask whether Gran is staying to see them. I just keep it light and say she will do soon. Only positive thing is that we will choose when we are grandparents NOT to be like this.
Feel your frustration CD.... they are all her granchildren and she should treat them all the same. Not just in gifts but with time and affection. It happened with my boys, same gifts but my mil always favoured her daughter you said its thier loss. xxx:bighug:
That's exactly it Sid. I don't get it and am definitely going to make sure I'm not like that in years to come. It's not fair on the kids.
Thats a deal the moment I only have my wonderful,gorgeous Freddie but when and if im blessed with more...each and everyone of them will be treat the same...lots and lots of grandma love.....I have a HEART FULL FOR THEM xxxxxxx

We have a similar situation with hubby's family - on Facebook they are DOTING uncles and aunties and you'd imagine everything in the garden is rosy. The reality of life is that the Aunty has seen William three times in his life (he's three in August, she lives 20 miles away but can't possibly visit because 'her hair isn't right') and the Uncle would rather sleep during the day so he can get p*ssed and play computer games all night.

Don't even get me started on William's step-sisters!

Family 'eh, who'd have 'em?!

Rant over :D

P x
I'm glad but also sad that it's not just me and mine!
Very happy, a loss of 2lbs this week :). The next couple of weeks are the weeks where I bloat so this will keep my motivation up. I've lost a grand total of 99 lbs so far, all on Dukan :).
Am glad I tried apple cider vinegar as a way to help me "go" rather than any pills, it makes a nice hot drink with 1/4 tsp of ginger in too, I have it elevenses and evening as an alternative to the huge amounts of caffeine I consume through the day.
Am going to spend the day peacefully making soup for the freezer - chicken & cabbage, and celery. I accidentally melted the wire on my blender :)o) so will have to cut it all up finely, which with the radio on should be quite relaxing. If the kids don't have a rowing-with-each-other day!
99lbs, that's fantastic! :)x

I may have to try your apple cider vinegar, as I've got into a really bad habit of using sugar free chewing gum to keep me regular :eek:
I just cannot stop occasionally binging (tonight it was on soup and I feel SO full!), OK following Dukan means that when I do it is on healthy things but it makes me feel awful - very low, weak for doing it, just want to cry. Bitter irony is that comfort eating does not give you comfort. Wish Mr CD was here, not seeing him till the end of July. And I'm snapping at the kids as I have such a headache, I know that a glass of wine would cheer me up indescribably.

This might not be the most popular advice and it certainly isn't Dukan friendly but, girlfriend, I say have the glass of wine.

Hope you feel better soon.

P x
Thanks P, if I had any in I would - but I'd have to take us all out just to get me booze; I'm not that desperate for it. Wish I did have some though!