Thanks guys - the kids and I are all ecstatic! Love Mr CD very, very much and have missed him indescribably this last year - can't wait to all be together again. And I can swim and gym a LOT more once he is here, which is great. I wanted to do the "Caledonian" a couple of years ago but was too heavy for the canoes

, now I'm not and I can't wait. We'll be raising money for the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust and Action for Children.
Today,my youngest and I are both coming down with colds and we got rained on at the park - though luckily after we had our picnic

. I've just spent the last couple of hours sewing name-tapes on to school uniforms, still have loads to do but eyes are sore.
Today PP:
B - Oatbran porridge, L - Tuna x 2, D - Bacon & Eggs. Very dull but not done any shopping as too tired.
Tomorrow PV:
B - Scrambled eggs & mushrooms, L - Chicken stew, D - Dukan bolognese & salad, S - oatbran porridge