Thanks Erin!
Wednesday 6th Feb:
B - Porridge, raisend and chopped nuts - 304
L -Mexican rice and chopped spicy chicken, a yoghurt - 391
D - Ham, eggs, oven chips and fried onion/red pepper/mushrooms - 575
Snacks - Toblerone - 184
Water/tea - 3.5 litres
Exercise - Zumba 45 min - 350 calories
5 a day - 4/5
Total - 1454
Tiny bit over on calories today but it is negligible so i won't stress over it (although the perfectionist in me wan't it at 1450 or under!). Thoroughly have enjoyed every morsel, hunger really is the best seasoning 
. I burned a bit less than anticipated, i thought that dvd was an hour long but it was only 45 minutes, so tomorrow i will do an hour dvd as i need to burn 550 calories to take me to my 2500 total for the week.
Off for the big shop tomorrow, got my list ready and again planned lots of delicious meals to help keep me on track and not feel like i'm dieting! Most of the weekend meals are the same as last weekends because i just enjoyed them so much; i will not be wasting over 700 calories on a measly McDonalds though this time! We are having tortilla pizzas tomorrow yum yum, then i'm thinking Chinese again Friday, my hot rolls and chips, and my fake chippy tea on the other days. Then Monday it's chicken pasta i think, sausages, mash and beans on Tues, then ham, chips and eggs again next weds (it's a cheap and cheerful meal

I have been reading up on nuts and am going to get some almonds tomorrow to add to porridge, i'm doing the healthy eating gradually rather than doing it all at once, one step at a time. I want to get to my goal within 6 months and add little habits very gradually along the way, more fruit and veg, healthy fats, fibre rich foods etc, so this time next year i should have a well established really good, well balanced diet. I've always drank a lot of water so that's great and i'm getting regular exercise of different endurance and intensity, so i just need to keep those two things up and add other habits bit by bit.
Ok, i have over rambled there i think! Adios amigos xx