Calories or fat ????

Thanks Rach.......I always think of something really gross to put me off things tee hee works.....

Just think this time next year we will be celebrating our weightlosses big time xx
i dont like tap water either - far too limey and not in the good way lol i buy the cheap bottled water and if i get fed up of it just had a bit of sugar free squash to it
i agree shouldnt have to pay for water but even with squash i can still taste the foul lime in our water. think need to get a water filter to see if that will help make a difference
water filters do make a huge difference...i couldn't drink our water before
Rachgleeson said:
Thats a good idea, might get some lemon and limes in, thanks booboo. Hope you have a great weekend!!

lemon juice in water first thing in the morning is great for assisting weight loss
dunno how it works but my sister used to drink it few months before her wedding and lost some weight just by doing that
think i will have to try that. need something good to kick start the day
Its great cos it refreshes you.....and also cos I use a lot of lemon rind in meals it means i don't waste the lemon........
I feel like a fruit bat.....its so nice to snack on lol

How you doing Sallouise ? :)
will get some fresh lemons and try that one. love lemons and limes.

think i am doing good. hoping this weather clears so i can finally get out walking more :)

how are you doing?
How interesting..I will try it aswell. :)
I am doing well hun you wanting the weather to clear up so I can get out and walk....wanna start taking bus into village and walking back...4.5 miles ...but we have rain and gale force winds atm

How are you doing Binny ? :)
I'm alriight. Been a bit down lately which makes me less hungry for food and craving chocolate insanely!! Ergh...
Other then that..I'm ok. trying not to stess so much about loosing weight because I know that'll just make me gain. Lol. How are you?? :)
Stay positive Binny...think of the new you !!! Get some low cal choc yoghurts in !!

I'm fine hun....just going with the flow lol :) xx
Yeahh..Don't know what it is. I'll be alright tomorrow..wake up bright and early and do my yoga and what not..No worries. Gonna get some ww cakes and things for my sweet cravings..hehe

Anyone know anything about eating pancakes??
I know on alli they say you can have them about 100 calories :)
Hmm..was craving some today..I'll look into it. :)