Cambridge diet buddy?

Hey... Doing good thanks, had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I lost 2 lbs! I'm finally in the 10 stones :) whoop whoop

How's everyone else?? Xxx
Wow Charlie, that's great! God, I'd love to be in the 10's... Well done huni, really pressed for you!

I'm good, been trying to walk a bit more this week, just hope it shows on the scales on Monday, I'd love a great loss :)

You up to much this weekend? Xx
Hiya! No was on the 810 plan hun. Had a naughty meal for a friends birthday last night. Need to stop cheating then the losses would be much better! Xxx
Oh bet 810 plan is nice with food, I'm missing food, but think if I haven't anything then I will just give in... I'm nearly 6 weeks in and some days are so much harder!

Your doing well Belle, did you go mad last night, or just a little of track? Xx
It was a friends birthday. Id done a nightshift then had my friends baby all day while she was at work. I had no energy and just wanted to eat. Todays been a lot better altho i wrote on my facebook that i might have a glass of wine and my consultant commented via her fiances profile lol. Busted! But its kept me on track tonight so im thankful. Shes a star! Xx
Well done hun. Some days are harder than others, and it must be so hard after a night shift and then to be faced with temptation!

Your doing well, and its showing on the scales, just keep at it babe...

Hey guys how's everyones day been? I mad a muffin out of choc shake tonight. was yummy!!!!! xxxx
I had soup tonight and it didn't mix well at all,.the top was flavoured water and the bottom was thick soup paste bits... Not very nice!. :-(
It does kill the nutrients but I figure one day with a few less nutrients wont be the death of me lol. was lovely and i added hot water to the last little bit of shake to make a hot chocolate sauce...lush xxxx
I hate the soups hun they are powdery and horrible xx
Bad week.... Yesterday went for lunch with my brother and sister and had a kid size fish and chips meal :-( didn't eat it all but I felt awful eating the chips lol so I only had a couple :-( pressure of socialising its getting to me xxxx
charlieann01 said:
Bad week.... Yesterday went for lunch with my brother and sister and had a kid size fish and chips meal :-( didn't eat it all but I felt awful eating the chips lol so I only had a couple :-( pressure of socialising its getting to me xxxx

Ah babe, sorry! Socialising can be a nightmare! But don't worry, what's happened has happened, now you need to draw a line under it and move on... However, I know how hard that can be... And its easier written than done!

How's the rest of the week been?
weddingbelle said:
I hate the soups hun they are powdery and horrible xx

I normally like them, but last nights was horrid... If I don't have the sOups though does that mean I'll start living off 3 choc mint shakes a day? Think I could get tired of that quite quick! I already have 2 a day, at least! :)
Rest of the weeks been brill... Felt really committed. It's just when u go out for meals there's nothing we can eat :p frustrating but it's not like I went overboard and had a pudding he he.

How's ur week going? Xxx
Weeks going okay thanks... Can't believe its my weigh day tomorrow again... Seems to come round so quick! I hope I have a good weigh in... (fingers crossed!)

I cannot believe I will be six weeks into this process at the end of tomorrow, truthfully, I never thought I would manage one week, let alone 6! Just hope I can keep going 100% for 6 more weeks! Wow, sounds a lifetime right now! :p

Got to keep reminding myself why I'm doing this... Wish it wasn't so hard some days...
Very well done hunny !!! I know what u mean when I first started I thought I'd give it a go but didn't think I'd stick it out this long!!
Make sure you let us know your results quickly :) good luck!!! What u hoping for ? Xxx
I'm hoping for at least 7 pounds, but truthfully expecting maybe 2 or 3! I'd love to lose half a stone in a week but it just don't happen for me, I had better lose at least 2 pounds though, otherwise what is the point of going without food?

I don't weigh in tomorrow till 6pm, but will let you know how I do!
ooooh how exciting. fingers crossed for u for a big one!! xxxx