I lost 4st previously on slimming world but met my Boyf and 1 and a half stones has crept back on when I was only 7lbs away from target. Ideally I'd like to get down to 12st, I was 14st on my start date Wednesday so about 2 stone to lose to give me a healthy BMI, so I can walk in my drs and say HA Tell me I'm fat now
they have always had a problem, one dr told me I was overweight before weighing me once and I wasn't even that big, cheeky lol. Anything else I lose is a bonus.
I started antibiotics for tonsillitis on Thursday and felt like death and just needed food, so Thursday night i had it after my 4 shakes already, oops lol.. But my Boyf and his friend had loads of biscuits, crisps and then ordered a Chinese last night, oh not to mention vodka too..but I battled through it with my water
pretty proud. I mainly lurked on here all night to take my mind off food. It's been a big help. How much do you have to lose and how long have you been on CD? X
P.s the cat is fine lol