Yesterday I rediscovered ebay. Oops. About 6 years ago I discovered ebay for the first time, and it quickly became a massive past of my life. I was saving for a deposit to buy a house, so I sold things. Everything. If it wasn't nailed down, it was up for auction. I managed to sell over 400 items, and was laughing all the way to the bank over people buying my crap.
Oh, how the tables have turned!!! Yesterday the other side of ebay took hold. The Darker side. :devilangel: I started buying!
I am now the proud owner of 3 pairs of jeans (all of which are too small for me), a dress (which I didn't actually want...I was just pi**ed off that someone had outbid me, so I put a much higher offer in...this dress also doesn't fit me), a swimming costume (not the one I originally wanted, but I got outbid on that so I had a quick panic buy. Can I just point out that this item is brand new!!), a pair of wedges (which are beautiful, and also brand new, but probably wont fit me as I have freakishly wide feet), and I also managed to buy 3 shirts, and a couple of pairs of holiday trews for my OH.
Today I am bidding on dresses, tops, handbags and a purse (for me), and a tee shirt, board shorts and shoes (for OH). I have told him to expect me to be bankrupt buy the time he gets home tonight.
I realise this isn't a CD rant, but I feel that it is entirely the CD's fault, because if I was still 2 sizes bigger, I wouldn't have even been looking for clothes!!!!!


However, the shopping spree did keep my busy, and my mind off food all day. Apart from when the Pizza Hut advert came on the telly advertising the new stuffed crusts. Pepperoni or garlic butter cheese stuffed into the crust of a beautiful, beautiful pizza. That is literally food porn for me.

I felt sad and emotional, and mourned my loss of carbohydrates. :feedtroll:
Anywho. Gosh, what a rant. If anyone is still reading, I have a WI tonight at 5pm. Wish me luck!!! I want 4lbs!!! (Well, this is what I am going to tell her. Actually I would like 5lbs(being realistic), and 7lbs (in my dreams:4635
