Well, I got to day 30!!! wohoo!

I feel crap though! I started with it last night, and I just feel sick. There is obviously nothing inside me, so it's just bile, but my belly is gurgling and feeling all crampy. I have forced down my shakes as I know it will work against me if I have a day off them, but I just feel terrible. One more get up, then I have 5 days off, and I feel like I need them! Ppppffftttt. I hate feeling poorly. :'(
Well I'm not sure if it connected, but my sickness has developed into a full blown head cold over night, complete with a side order of sore throat and coughing. Marvellous!!! My asthma is bad as well, and I am feeling incredibly sorry for myself. I feel like I have been run over by a bus.

My OH went off to work an hour ago with strict instructions to stay in bed, to not do anything today, and if he comes home and smells cleaning product he will be very unhappy. TBH I wasn't planning on do anything anyway, but as I am now under official orders I will feel less guilty!

Feeling crap is certainly doing my 'no exercise week' wonders. In fact, I don't think I could have done less this week!!

The worst thing is that I can't take anything apart from my inhalers. Usually by now I would be dosed up on lemsips, strepsils and cough medicine, but I think that that will knock me out of ketosis, and lets face it, if I am choosing to knock myself out of ketosis, I don't want it to be on a damn lemsip, do I?!?!?!

I'm also at the stage where I don't really want my shakes any more. I realise they are a necessity, but I could quite easily get through the day having one, maybe two. I know I need to keep up the 3 a day, don't worry, I just feel I don't really need them.

Think I am going to have one of those days today...
hey louise,

sorry your feeling under the weather. its crap at the best of times never mind when ur on CD.
good on ur other half telling u to take it easy though. i hope u did as u were told lol ;)

hope u are feeling better soon babes and manage to have a nice weekend. keep on the nutty train tooot tooot xxxxxx
Well my tummy ache has gone, but my cold is in full force!

How can I take so many vits, drink so much water, steer clear of fatty (or indeed any) foods and still get ill???? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, BODY????

Anyway, I have had a couple of lazy days, and tonight I have tried on some clothes. When I started this diet, just under 5 weeks ago I was a sizeable 24, and now I can fit into a 20....without even a hint of a muffin top!!! Wahoo!!!!! I could also get into a size 18, but the muffin top was definitely an issue then!!!

But on the whole, I'm pretty chuft! I couldn't have really asked more in 33 days. Lots to lose yet, but this is a great thing to keep me going!
Love your diary ! And will be popping in to read !!! Well done x
Hiya, have just caught up with your diary. You are really doing well. I hope you are feeling better now. I am also ill, but I am taking Sudafed to clear up my ear infection and I had to take cough medicine the other night, as I couldn't sleep. :eek: Have a good week. :)
Yesterday I rediscovered ebay. Oops. About 6 years ago I discovered ebay for the first time, and it quickly became a massive past of my life. I was saving for a deposit to buy a house, so I sold things. Everything. If it wasn't nailed down, it was up for auction. I managed to sell over 400 items, and was laughing all the way to the bank over people buying my crap.

Oh, how the tables have turned!!! Yesterday the other side of ebay took hold. The Darker side. :devilangel: I started buying!

I am now the proud owner of 3 pairs of jeans (all of which are too small for me), a dress (which I didn't actually want...I was just pi**ed off that someone had outbid me, so I put a much higher offer in...this dress also doesn't fit me), a swimming costume (not the one I originally wanted, but I got outbid on that so I had a quick panic buy. Can I just point out that this item is brand new!!), a pair of wedges (which are beautiful, and also brand new, but probably wont fit me as I have freakishly wide feet), and I also managed to buy 3 shirts, and a couple of pairs of holiday trews for my OH.

Today I am bidding on dresses, tops, handbags and a purse (for me), and a tee shirt, board shorts and shoes (for OH). I have told him to expect me to be bankrupt buy the time he gets home tonight.

I realise this isn't a CD rant, but I feel that it is entirely the CD's fault, because if I was still 2 sizes bigger, I wouldn't have even been looking for clothes!!!!! :pcwhack::pcwhack:

However, the shopping spree did keep my busy, and my mind off food all day. Apart from when the Pizza Hut advert came on the telly advertising the new stuffed crusts. Pepperoni or garlic butter cheese stuffed into the crust of a beautiful, beautiful pizza. That is literally food porn for me. :character00254::character00254::character00254:I felt sad and emotional, and mourned my loss of carbohydrates. :feedtroll:

Anywho. Gosh, what a rant. If anyone is still reading, I have a WI tonight at 5pm. Wish me luck!!! I want 4lbs!!! (Well, this is what I am going to tell her. Actually I would like 5lbs(being realistic), and 7lbs (in my dreams:4635:).
loved ur last post i am exactly the same been on ebay for the last 3 days just buying pointless stuff! trying to keep my mind off food.
amy xxx
keep up the good work

I lost 6 lbs!!!!

My no exercise week paid off big time!!!

I am chuffed to bits

My OH has definitely noticed a difference, and I think he is even feeling the pressure a little bit as he came home from work today, disappeared upstairs and came down wearing shorts and tee shirt claiming he was off to circuit training!!!

Well I won't get a WI for 2 weeks now because I am on lates for 2 weeks, so I have stocked up with £112 (eeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!) worth of shakes and tetras. I have decided to try the banana and Strawberry tetras, but have bought enough packets just in case they are rank.

So today, on ebay, I have listed some old clothes to sell, to try and fund my habit. I have listed 35 items, and only bought 6 things (today). I have a few more things to bid on today, but that's a good ratio, right
Day 37!! Nearly half way through ss! I have to say that apart from from the head cold, chesty cough, occasional tummy pains and slight dizziness, I'm feeling wonderful!!! :rofl:

I am back in work today after 5 days off which is a good thing because it will get me off ebay. It has got out of hand, and I have spent £184.17 since Sunday. £184.17 on other peoples crap!!!!! I am so ashamed. However, it did feel like Christmas this morning when the postman came! My OH brought all my parcels upstairs and I opened them in bed!!!

My OH has still got my scales hidden, so I've no idea if I have lost any more weight, but I know this sounds odd, but I just don't feel like I have lost any weight. In fact I feel a bit chunky and bloated, and I'm not due to feel like that for another week yet. :cry:

Anyway...onto the the tetra's today. I'm on a long shift, so I will take one of each with me. I hope they are OK, otherwise I'll have to gip them down as I wont have anything else with me. Wish me luck!!!!!
Wow good weigh in!
I know what you mean about eBay my little girl was spilt rotten and over tha past few months I've ensued slot of her things we don't need, but I always buy stuff! Or other half takes a fancy to something! Just listed some of my clothes that are too big, I've also just got in the post a denim skirt I won brand new long tall Sally one, got it for £4 so was well chugged tags still on and original receipt too love a bargain!
I am so crap at updating!!!

I haven't had a WI this week, as I was working a late shift (I'm a train driver), and it's killing me not knowing how much I have lost!!!! I have got my fella to hide the scales, and I have been really good and not hunted for them. I have set myself a target of 4lbs a week, but it's coming up to my TOTM, and last month, it wasn't a good week for weight loss, so we will have to see.

I can't believe I am over half way through ss (I am only doing 12 weeks on ss). It feels like such a mile stone to have got to six weeks. When I started this, I was talking to my consultant about quitting after week one - I just didn't think that I could do it!!

I am off to Mexico 7 weeks today, so this weight better shift, as I have bought a load of size 18 clothes(I know, still a big size, but better than the size 24 when I started!), which are still too tight, so I am hoping that the 7 weeks will be enough time to look OK in them. Wish me luck!!!!!
I keep telling myself that if this was easy, then we would all be skinny, but some days it just seems so much harder than others.

We went the cinema last night, and it is the first time I have been in range of a KFC since that time. It was so hard to go home with an empty belly!!! I know I need to stay focused as I have just under 7 weeks to fit into my size 18's, and I tried them on yesterday, and I am nowhere near! :cry:

I think I need to go back and read my journal to remind me of why I'm doing this! I wish I had a magic wand that would just help me lose a stone or two! I'd do the rest of the hard work myself, I would!!!!
Tell me about it!
I stupidly ate a cupcake yesterday and almost gave up on the whole thing!
Then jay came home with a Chinese for himself as he had a bad day at work and was starving hungry !
I was sat on the sofa smelling the gorgeous food an wondering why I'm doing this! We are all doing it for different reasons and we all have daily challenges, don't think your on your own with your feeling coz your not! I hate being miserable and this diet does bring out the miserable side of me!
Tell me about it! I don't really like me at all on this diet. I'm tired, moody, and temperamental. Alun must be a saint to put up with me! I have banned all take out from the house!!! It's probably doing my OH's waistline good too though!

I've just had a morale boosting measure, and since I started I have lost 5" off my waist, 4" off my hips, and 3" off my boobs!

This pleases me!
wow well done on the inch loss chickadee....

hope u had a good day in the end and havent murdered Alun lol.

keep at it luvvie. keep driving that train to skinnyville :D:D:D xxxxx
I had an awful day yesterday!!! I was so so so so so so so so hard! I can't even tell you how hard. (though you all know that!!!!!!).

I know my totm is due any time, but I just want to eat. ANYTHING! I have been so close to breaking over the past 24 hours. I want to cry I am craving food so much. I keep telling myself that there are only 38 days to go on ss, but right now it feels like a lifetime away. :cry:

I had a sneaky stand on the scales yesterday afternoon, and discovered that in 10 days I had lost 4lbs. FOUR LBS!!! Ive been an angel, not a thing has passed my lips apart from shakes, tetras and water, and I drink 4 or 5 litres of that a day!!! I'm gutted!!! I feel like it should be so much more, and I know I'm whining, but it's so unfair!!!!!!!

Just hope I can keep it together over the next few days until WI. xx