Week Twenty-One: Step Five
I lost half a kg at my weigh in today, following my second and final week on step four. My weight reduced from 63.6kg to 63.1kg.
Beginning from today, I've decided to complete the recommended minimum of two weeks on the final step (step five), before coming off the diet completely. Although I am only 3kg away, I highly doubt that I will reach my target weight of 60kg in that time. But I can no longer justify the expense with such small losses each week.
After I come off the diet, I will still maintain a 1500 calorie diet for a month afterwards. I just won't be having anymore Cambridge products during this time. I will then move up to approx 1800 calories before finally maintaining at 2000 calories. As of last week, I have been doing the 30 day shred, five times a week. I will continue to exercise five times a week from now on. With a controlled diet and an exercise routine in place, I don't see why I cannot manage to shift the last 3kg.
One thing I've noticed, is that while this diet has dramatically reduced the fat on my body, it has also resulted in a lot of muscle breakdown. I can see the effects of this most visibly on my legs and my stomach; although they are much smaller, they are still quite flabby and I am left with fat rather than muscle in these areas. So while getting to 60kg and achieving what I had started out to do is important, it's pointless if at 60kg I still have pockets of fat wobbling around every time I walk. The goal has therefore evolved; more than hitting a number on the scale, I want to see my body build muscle and look toned. This inevitably means a gain on the scale. But I'm okay with that. Because I know that I will be training and eating right and that that gain will represent something healthier than fatty body parts.
My consultant was very quick to remind me that I wasn't alone and that I could go for monthly weigh in's, even after I am no longer on the diet. I'm so glad to have had her support through this journey and I'm so grateful for her encouragement. I've gone from start to finish on this diet in five short months and 22kg/ 49pounds/ 3.46 stone later, have finally made it to the last step. I can safely say that I have my life and confidence back and I'm ready to go at this with diet and exercise now! X