I'm so glad you're back, Jenny!!
If it's the fruit, veg, and yoghurt that's the problem then let me say that I've been eating all of the above!
I looked to see which were the low GI fruits and am sticking to those.. strawberries, blueberries, the odd pear, the odd apple.
I have a bowl of fruit (generous bowl

) with 2-3 teaspoons of nuts and seeds and dolloped (generously) with probiotic vanilla yoghurt every day.. usually for breakfast.
I have everything else in the veg department (except potatoes) as and when I fancy,and have meat with sauces as long as they are creamy (thus low carb) or tomato bases but not sweet.
I use lettuce instead of bread or rice.. so lettuce around a burger, shredded lettuce under a curry, and it's amazing how much better you feel (I think I'm allergic to carbs because they make me feel sooooo sleeepy).
..and I have 1 glass of wine a night.. and I know that's an issue for both of us. Have it in a tall glass and add soda.
Cream cheese wrapped in salami as a snack, smoked salmon deli filler, or egg mayonnaise with celery to scoop for lunch. There's a lot of nice things when you really get creative.
When it's all been too tempting, I've gone for the 2 bite rule.. you only taste the first 2 bites of anything- after that your taste buds blank out, so I've only had 2 normal sized bites.
Cake, chocolate, tortilla chips.. and it's been fine!
I've lost another 3 pounds since tuesday, but I think that just my liver emptying out after the last couple of weeks..
The fact that you've carried on with curves shows how committed you are, and HUGE brownie points for not turning into an eating machine and eating everything in sight (as I probably would have done!)
Maybe just a slight readjustment.. or even go back to go lower (or buy some of their products from the website.. I know the breakfasts were good for you) and the way will be clear again.
Personally I think if you keep on exercising, cut out the rubbish (bread, cake, sweets), and forget you are on a diet the weight will drop off you!
If slimming world has worked for you before and you know your way around the syn/green day/red day/ stuff then go for it!
You are the best person to know what works for you.
If there is anything I can do to help, let me know!
Meanwhile make sure to keep me posted!!
Juno .. xx