It does sound OK at first reading BUT it's the little things that will make the difference:
- Cereal - this is one of the things you've GOT to weigh (ie limit!!!) whether you like it or not. Also - count the milk you have with it (or replace it with yoghurt). Toast - butter/jam on it?
- Bacon - did she remove the fat from this? Again it whacks up the calories massively

- Hummus - again, healthy as it sounds, this is very high in fat/calories unless you make your own
- Breaded fish/chicken - these are usually pretty high in calories/fat too. You really do have to stick to the lean, unbreaded, unfloured, unfatted stuff.
- Pie - I dont need to say anything on the pie

- Salad - again, although its not explicitly listed you gotta be careful with dressings, sauces, coleslaws/potato salad etc etc etc...
- Choc/sweets etc - these are fine in moderation exactly as you say - but when you look at all the other little things above that are the same (fine in moderation) when you add it all up together they stop being weight-loss friendly
I know as a whole all these meals sound generally healthy and fine, and she's probably not putting ON any weight because of it, but all these little things add up to the point where you're not actually losing either
I ate stuff like this for years, telling myself it was all healthy as it was 'low fat' and I was eating plenty of fruit & veg and stuff - but slowly my weight went up, tiny but at a time. Only when I got really strict with myself and said if I *really* want to lose weight I CANT have unlimited bread/cereal etc did it come off.