Can the party girl finally slim down??

piX128 said:
aww I can feel your disappointment but as you say..its not a gain!

I'm struggling with the concept of how you can eat as much as you like too so I was really interested in your comments. I mean even if muller lights are free, for example, they are still 100 calories each so if i munch my way through a dozen of them its still a lot of calories even if its free lol. I think youre spot on with listening to if you're actually full. I think i find it too easy to say ooh that was nice, whats next...without giving time for my brain to get told I'm actually full.
We'll get there with this I'm sure x

I know, it's the fat girl brain going oooooh food! I've got two tactics planned - 1) change meals up so rather than having superfree as a part of meal (like veg with meat) I'm going to try and make more meals with the superfree actually IN it (like soup or pasta dish) as I figure then I don't shove in superfree stuff without thinking to get to the good bit! And 2) lf having it as a part, have that first and then stop and not stress about wasting planned meal. I can have it tomorrow! Easier said than done but hey, least I have a plan, right? X
sounds good to me! x
First real test last night - drinks with the girls! So hard! The party side of me wanted to come out so badly! But I resisted. 1 glass of wine and loads of soda waters. And you know what? I actually preferred the soda! Who'd have thought it huh?! Me not liking wine? Gotta be a good thing!

Mind you, it's not just the wine itself, it's explaining why. I don't want to share my SW plans with everyone and discuss it, I just want to quietly get on with it. But then no doubt spark some pregnancy rumours or something ridiculous which I could do without!

So I'm within syns everyday, 4 gym sessions so far AND made a spinach and quark lasagne which I packed with superfree so feeling pretty on top of it right now! Mind you, I said the same last week, we'll see on Tuesday.... x
Well done, you've been really good! It's great whhen you start feeling 'healthy' all of a sudden, isn't it?
Thanks guys! Im really proud of myself! Wasnt easy at first (im tragic, i love getting drunk, wrong i know!) but hey, if i can do it once i can do it again.

Managed to fit in 5 (yep FIVE!) sessions at the gym this week which im really pleased about. I really do love it as it makes me feel so much better, both mentally and physically. Been logging my food and exercise on My Fitness Pal and just discovered their reports section. Ive burned nearly 2,000 calories this week!! Go me!!! And loved EVERY second of it which is even better! Had a look at my food intake in terms of calories as well which was really interesting as with the exercise ive been consuming about 1300 cals net per day (about 1700 before counting exercise). Before you say it, i know SW isnt about calories and that hasnt been my focus, its just a nice aside to look at. Been having nearly all my syns each day but the meals i eat are naturally so low in fat and calories thanks to SW that im full and not missing out. Love it!

Had a dr appt today and as they seem to do when youre overweight we got chatting about it and told her about SW which she said is a great diet health wise. Told her i was disappointed with only 3.5kg in 3 weeks and she was like 'no thats great! lose it slowly and itll stay off AND you wont be back here in 6 months saying you want to do something about excess skin!'. Bless her. And the nicest bit? As i stood up to go out she looked at me, looked back at the screen and came out with 'You know, you do carry your weight VERY well, im surprised its that much'. Again, bless! And you know why its touched me so much? Because she didnt have to say it. shes not generally the nicest, cuddliest dr in the world, so it made me feel like she genuinely meant it.

So tonight I figured its friday night, ive stuck 100% on plan all week - im going to use my syns on something lovely today! VERY posh VERY expensive chocolates. Just a pack of 4 which im going to split over today and tomorrow and theyre about 4 syns each i reckon. 3 weeks ago i would not have been able to put them back in the cupboard you know, but tonight, i think i just might manage it...... x
Hi I'm Sarah,
I've just read your diary and I'm a party girl like you, I love going out and getting pi**ed up, but since starting sw I've noticed if I drink at the weekend I end up at the kebab shop, then I do rubbish at weigh in, so im trying to not drink unless it's a special occasion because I can't just have a few, I don't know where to stop.
I log my food & exercise on mfp too, I know sw isn't about counting cals but I like the extra support & it's free, what's your username on there and I will add you if you don't mind? :) X
Sazbirl said:
Hi I'm Sarah,
I've just read your diary and I'm a party girl like you, I love going out and getting pi**ed up, but since starting sw I've noticed if I drink at the weekend I end up at the kebab shop, then I do rubbish at weigh in, so im trying to not drink unless it's a special occasion because I can't just have a few, I don't know where to stop.
I log my food & exercise on mfp too, I know sw isn't about counting cals but I like the extra support & it's free, what's your username on there and I will add you if you don't mind? :) X

That's my plan too - abstain unless it's a really special occasion! You can do it! Not sure of MFP as i just use it to log but will look next time x
Having a bit of a mini meltdown today. Was supposed to be going out to do a few chores with the bf and I just looked at myself in the mirror and saw the crazy hair that I didn't bother straightening and realised my weekend wardrobe is limited to jeans and a whole collection of black tops I'm bored of and are old and faded and a coat I hate and burst into tears and refused to leave the house. Poor bf, he's so good but has no idea what to do when I feel like this. But hey, neither do I.

I want to go and get some new clothes as i love fashion but it's hard as I'm borderline - trendy high st stores only go to a 16 max and are too small for me at the mo and bigger shops i just find frumpy which leaves me with places like DP and New Look which I feel I'm too old for or just are poor quality. Right now I want to do my old comfort thing of hitting the fridge/cupboard and devouring everything. Luckily the rational part of my brain is kicking in and whispering 'oh yeah, that'll really help love, esp on Tuesday weigh in, just get over it'.

Very fed up right now....
Having a bit of a mini meltdown today. Was supposed to be going out to do a few chores with the bf and I just looked at myself in the mirror and saw the crazy hair that I didn't bother straightening and realised my weekend wardrobe is limited to jeans and a whole collection of black tops I'm bored of and are old and faded and a coat I hate and burst into tears and refused to leave the house. Poor bf, he's so good but has no idea what to do when I feel like this. But hey, neither do I.

I want to go and get some new clothes as i love fashion but it's hard as I'm borderline - trendy high st stores only go to a 16 max and are too small for me at the mo and bigger shops i just find frumpy which leaves me with places like DP and New Look which I feel I'm too old for or just are poor quality. Right now I want to do my old comfort thing of hitting the fridge/cupboard and devouring everything. Luckily the rational part of my brain is kicking in and whispering 'oh yeah, that'll really help love, esp on Tuesday weigh in, just get over it'.

Very fed up right now....
Big hug to you. Make a cup of tea. Sit down and visualise yourself in trendy clothes in allocated time. Decide on an outfit that you can buy when you reach your target. Print out the outfit of your choice and put a copy on your fridge and next to your mirror. You will be in it in no time!!!
Having a bit of a mini meltdown today. Was supposed to be going out to do a few chores with the bf and I just looked at myself in the mirror and saw the crazy hair that I didn't bother straightening and realised my weekend wardrobe is limited to jeans and a whole collection of black tops I'm bored of and are old and faded and a coat I hate and burst into tears and refused to leave the house. Poor bf, he's so good but has no idea what to do when I feel like this. But hey, neither do I.

I want to go and get some new clothes as i love fashion but it's hard as I'm borderline - trendy high st stores only go to a 16 max and are too small for me at the mo and bigger shops i just find frumpy which leaves me with places like DP and New Look which I feel I'm too old for or just are poor quality. Right now I want to do my old comfort thing of hitting the fridge/cupboard and devouring everything. Luckily the rational part of my brain is kicking in and whispering 'oh yeah, that'll really help love, esp on Tuesday weigh in, just get over it'.

Very fed up right now....

This is like me with the hair and nails breakdown!! I took some great advice and treated myself- it really perked me up. Just go mad and treat yourself....OR point out to bf that it's V-Day soon and it would be lovely of him to treat you to a new dress/outfit/spa day :D
Thanks guys - ur all so lovely!

That's a good idea Muis - I've been tempted to buy something in a smaller size to aim for but it's hard as I've never been smaller than this and it's hard to imagine I ever could be, no matter how much I WANT to be so maybe some magazine pics might help (I already have the dream bikini pic up!)

And Jez - splashed out on a few beauty bits (miracle promising cream samples to rid my forehead of lines!) and felt a bit better. Bought some new gym kit too as mine is falling apart. No weekend clothes but hey, the retail therapy helped.

And I somehow managed to stay on plan. Keep visualising another STS week and it works pretty well! Gorged on lots of tropical fruit instead (my fave but always expensive!) and the sugar rush helped I'm sure.

Another tricky weekend done, now back to the easy weekday routine! X
So summary for the week: 97 syns (including 1 glass of wine!) and 5 gym classes.

Tuesday weigh in - I'm ready for you!!!!! X

glad you survived the weekend...i so recognise that meltdown feeling and the urge to retreat to comfort behavious is huge, isnt it. Well done for working through it xx
Something very strange has happened this week - not only have the cravings gone but so has the urge to eat for the sake of it/overeat. Very strange. NEVER felt like this before, it's always been a mission. But 1 month without a day off and with no flexi syns and I feel like something has really shifted. AMAZING!!! I'm so happy!! I've got a bar of my fave choc in the cupboard that I'm chipping away at a few syns at a time but I'm actually really fancying the half a pineapple in the fridge instead! This is a whole new experience and I love it!

So weigh in was Tuesday - 1.5kg off! 3.36lb. So pleased! I think last weeks STS really taught me about listening to my stomach which I needed to do. Feeling very prepared for the rest of this mission! X
goingtobeskinnysoon said:
Oh AND! New discovery courtesy of this forum - spraying my toast with butter frylight! Genius! I've always resented synning spread as I see it as a waste of syns so gave up bread and was really missing it but this has saved me! Can't remember who it was but thank you!! X

Genius!! I'be never even seen butter fry ligh.