Hee hee I reckon that will happen to me Sandy! I once put a tin of diet coke in meaning to just chill it. Totally forgot, and it exploded round the freezer!
I pour muller into lolly moulds and freeze - they are fab. I also use my icecream maker for making ice cream much nicer than leaving them in the freezer. Yummmmmyyy!
I tied it today with the lovely new coconut muller lights and it just went into a nasty solid lump
....can someone managing with a degree of success be so kind as toexplain exactly how they do it please? (p.s. this is my first post, entirely new to forum and i'm doing slimming world from home (on day 5) x
i have just put 5 in the freezer as the y are going out of date. i might try one after weigh in tonight but can imagine the rest being in there for a few days and becoming a solid lump of yoghurt? will try anyway though they would only be in the bin otherwise x
I would imagine that it would need mixing at intervals while freezing - I've made proper ice cream and the crystals need breaking down during freezing to make it creamy and smooth (what an ice cream maker does by stirring while freezing) otherwise it will form big crystals and just become a solid block.
I just scrape it off in tiny bits. Takes forever but it keeps me out of the crisp box!
The toffee one's really nice frozen. If you want it to be like proper ice-cream you'd have to take it out and whisk it every half hour or so.
You could blend it and add a bit of milk HEXA and make a milkshake???
I used to freeze the mint chocolate muller light and put in on a meringue nest and cover in that super light spray cream for a low syn treat.
I think the trick is not leaving it in the freezer for too long and just stirring it regularly x