Can't think of a catchy title...

Nice to hear from you Pom! Yeah, I had a 3 lb deserved gain! But lost 2 again now. Just been told we have ofsted wed thurs so it's going to be difficult to have a good week!!!
Hope you get losing again too
Ah, 3 weeks since I posted, not good. Back up to bloody 10.8. I was here for months before!! Grrr. Oh well. Back to it today. Been a good one but I can see I shall have to spend money on low syn yummyness to help me.
Cycling again! A whole group of us are going to do London to Brighton. Not til sept but no harm in training now eh?? Xx
Hiya WG - noticed on the tortoise thread that you'd had a wee gain.

Xmas is evil!!! It makes us eat far to much. :eek:

You can so do this though. It might take a bit longer than some other peeps but you know how to shed the pounds.

And yay to the cycling. Deffo no harm in starting now. Your bum will be well used to the saddle by September! :D
Your certainly not on your own having a gain...Xmas eh!!!! You'll get there WG
Fab news about the cycling :)
Well first week back on it properly I lost a lb the day before and day after wi. But sts on the day.Grr

Second week in, Today I am showing 2.5 off. I am dreaming that I can keep that off until Sunday!! Please please please!!!!!! Teaching 2 days and that makes it harder to plan but should be ok!
I hate it when the scales do that!!

Well done for getting back on plan :)
The scales always do that to me too. I WI on Monday - when I know I am always at my heaviest. They always look better on Wednesday's and Fridays.

Good luck tomorrow chica. Let's hope the 2 days at work didn't do too much damage. You deserve a good loss.
That's brilliant!!!!
Fantastic chica - a well deserved loss.

How's the bike riding coming along? Is the bum getting used to the saddle yet?
Morning chica - saw your big loss on the tortoise thread. Well done you!!!
1 lb below interim target now but still 2lb off new one.

But been maintaining within my 3 lb range since end of December (apart from Xmas week :( ) so I'm a happy bunny!
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Goodness, time for an update!

So, now 10.4, so 5 lbs to go to get under my initial under 10 goal. Its taking ages, but that is because I am not that focussed. Pretty happy with how I am now. I am cycling loads, doing 20 - 30 miles at a time which I am loving. Nice and fit ;-) I also joined the fire service as a volunteer and love the new things I am doing there. Nothing to do with fires but other community safety stuff and being rescued from things. Fun fun, the uniform is a little tight, so gives me incentive to lose a bit more! lol.
Stay well everyone else!
Wow how busy are you!! That's a lot of cycling, good for you.
The volunteering sounds fun :)
I'm sure you'll lose thoselast few lbs, especially cycling that far!